From my past experience in these comps...
You'll need to chop her up before the final weigh in picture, at least into more normal sized flowers, unless you can somehow carefully remove the stalk while keeping the flower intact. You don't want to start another "stalkgate"
Last round it was vote top 3, cant vote for yourself. Not sure what Sandy is planning this round. Guess we go back up to the dark chamber for word from on high.
Since you asked nicely... :bigjoint:
Note, all the pictures I did this round were with my phone, so no fancy dslr bokeh or photoshoot lighting, but thems the breaks. I think she shines through even with the phone pictures. This was just after I trimmed her up before chop chop.
I also...
Mine's done. Just chopped her 20 mins ago. Early for what I predicted, but the trichomes don't lie. Officially 76 days from pop to chop.
I took pictures, of course. I can either do an early update, or wait till my usual day Sat. What do you lads think?
You finished within a reasonable timeframe, related to the rest of the contestants.
Whether the comp finishes in Nov. or Dec. isnt a big deal to me...whats an extra month? But, really...this should be wrapped before year's end at the very latest. It impacts the timing of future comps. Its why...
I fished the loupe out of a box to check glands when I was tending to the ladies tonight. I think I may be chopping her a little earlier than originally predicted. Yummy frosty. The side flowers are just coated in trichomes. I'll get some official pictures of them with my next...
You go until you're done...whatever that means to you. If you're purposely milking it, your weekly pictures will tell, and somebody will call you on it. :blsmoke:
Update time, Day 65. She's just packing on the weight. I believe she's got 2-3 weeks to go. Look how frosty even the lower flowers are. She smells lovely.