You mix the oil and trim together in the slow cooker then strain it when it's done, or mix the oil and trim in a mason jar, then put the jar into the slow cooker for 8h?
I'm gonna use sugar leafs, should I grind them up beforehand even if I decide to decarb or not?
And I will need a lot more trim than oil to get an effect, correct?
Reading around different forums I will probably end up trying out pressure cooking-mode with mason jars with oil and trim.
Anyone have experience with this?
I've bought a Instant Pot 11 in 1 (11 functions) and was thinking about doing the same process under for decarbing but then use less coconut oil, more trim and put the Instant Pot in 'Slow Cook' mode and just let it infuse for +24h, then strain through cheese cloth.
I've only done it once...
I just got my Instant Pot 11 in 1 air fryer with Sous vide as function.
Never done sous vide before, so my question is.
You sous vide the trim first in vaccum sealed bags (do the need to be vaccumed?) and the sous vide process you do is for decarbing the trim instead of using the oven method...
I'm a bit confused after reading this thread.
Am I suppose the burp the jars or not when the right % is reached?
For example if the hygrometers shows 60% in the jars, should I just keep it closed and that good weed smell will come automatically even If I never burp the jar?
Does anyone know a website that sell HSO seeds now that they've been shutdown? Best seeds on the market imo.
I've only seen Humboldt seeds company but HSO came out with a message warning about them and were very clear that they don't have anything to do with that company.
Couldn't agree more! Def one of the best indicas i've grown and smoked.
Made some Ice Wax of the sugarleafs and the smoke from the first wash from the 90u bag is superstrong. Got 4.5g from the 90u bag and been smoking on it for several days now and still have more than half lefto_O
Ended up with 321g dried :) Happy with the result.
The smoke is really smooth and really tasty.
One of the heaviest indicas i've smoked, body high, head high and I don't get insane munchies like I usually get from weed, which is good and unfortunate:)