well theres your answer .... if it takes a month and a half to get a foot tall then u dont have enough light..... also be carefull puttin them right out in the sun for extended periods it can sometimes shock little plants and u want the least amount of stress possible
gotta be careful using soil thats been outside over time..... u can get all kinds of bugs and usually once theyre there its hard to eliminate them... good job gettin rid of the knats
thanks man my soil is str8 organic no nute balls or anything just topsoil.... i like to be able to moderate the nute dosages on my own through feedings ive found this also leads to less nuteburn in young plants
lol no worries my friend i was a total noob once (not that long ago) so i feel ya. 15-30-15 is the NPK ratio of my nutrients ... as in percents....its a blue powder from miracle grow that u add to your water