i am asking out of the topic hehe. i exchanged my soil to CFLs and i can't see some warm white well i can see some other good types too, but i want them to be the same so that my grow closet will look good in the future, so i just replace it with 6500k again.
3-4days this is what i did:
1. at the start of the day you must do a stretching first.
2. then eat. if you wanna smoke after eating then go ahead.
3. grab a beer or any liquor. (you'll be needing this).
4. grab your pot. and your gardening materials.
5. grab your soil medium and your...
darn, wrong choice. i should have bought a timer or lights again. good is i can replace it with another product,
but the bad thing is i'll be wasting my precious energy and money.
i didn't bought an hps at the mall i need to go again to a home depot to buy there, but i bought a new soil mix, don't know what will it do,
composed of compost fungi, volcanic sand grit, volcanic loam soil, egg shells.
is this good? or i should decide to buy again the old ready mixed soil...
i am thinking that hps is a better lighting than cfls and yeah heat will be a problem, because right know i am using cfls and temps go up.
what do you think?
still buy hps and try it, and if it doesn't fit regarding temps i'll just replace it with another item?
or just buy again cfls and some...
my small fan was thrown in the garbage a long time ago, i am currently using an oscillating stand fan and sometimes switch it to desk fan.
got some worries like it might shatter and cause fire. and i am also thinking about heat problems.