some more pics of my baby. not bad for just over 100 watts huh?? i have a question: is it ok to spray-mist the leaves with just plain water during lights on? i only ask because i did that with my first attempt and dont know whether that or the nuteburn killed the leaves. i would think its ok...
id use the ones w longer roots but thats just me. im using 4 of those 26 watter cfls and im on my 3 rd week of flowering come check it out the link is in my signature
lol ok point taken but i meant better quality lol. thats gonna be all the space u have for flowering? man mine is already 20 inches tall i dint do lst but i dont know how successful thatll be in such a tight spot. i mean i know its done to maximize growth ina small space i think you'll also...
no it isnt an autoflowering strain and yes u can do this with all grows.... that beiing said, you run the risk of wasting time either way if ur plant turns out male mine showed its first white hairs at around 4 weeks from seed so i was happy.. my first attempt was 18/6 light schedule but that...
very nice looking man. do u have two grow spaces or just 1? i myself have considered cloning but dont have anywhere to revert them back to veg so i havent yet..
yeah man she's been on 12/12 lighting since sprouting shes about 6 1/2 weeks old. the reasons why i chose this lighting schedule is for the ease, less electricity, and i had a first plant that was into flowering when this one sprouted( ended that grow) so i just kept the light schecdule the...
awesome man thanks thats just the info i was lookin for mine has mega white hairs everywhere im just waiting on it to start a cola. how tall was yours at the end?