well my plants are ruined, my bro just exposed light on them. fucking retard just a matter of days i bet before they hermie.
Fuck im sooo fucking pissed, i got the worst luck ever
I never cut leaves, except for the under belly of my plant. Where like and leaves aren't needed.
Learned from the first time, needs alot of freakin fert and good ph and soil.
thanks, I've been checking them everyday. Kinda fucks things up, now i got now where to leave it for a couple days in the dark.
And got nowhere to hang it either. You are right, looks potent as fuck, soo much frostinest on that girl.
But its staying in there til there very end.
Not too sure why the one's hair are turning all red, they all had the same flower time according to the site.
Its kinda making me frustrated, one might be done sooner then the rest... fucks things up for me and the buds on that plant are still small. It has alot of small buds, and they are all...
I had my camera out this morning, but totally forgot the sd card. Well this afternoon ill take some pics.
All i can say, they look fantastic. Buds are starting to get bigger, cant wait until i can smoke all 3 different kinds of buds. Mmm, still a bunch of weeks away.
Yep, came home a from a nice weekend at the lake. Just have to put out a claim on my truck and superglue my cut shut.
But the ladies are looking bigger and frosty, buds are starting fatten up a bit.
Giving them water and nutes tonight.
It sucks, same thing with the food and the hole situation.
But, by far the worse part was when i got home and tried to take a bong rip.
I could feel the stitches pulling out, then i freaked out and smoked a joint.
it was a bad week, maybe more.
Just gave some water and carboblast to my girls this morning. Hope they like it, but im afraid i fucked up and forgot to ph the water. AHHH
I have the fucking pen sitting right there too, some how I forgot. Bahh I hope i dont get a lockout.
pussy!!! lol just kiddin, I'm kinda paranoid too. Probably wont be any pics of my harvest and dryed out bud.
But all the way to that day I will be posting pics and updates.