Mudballs I appreciate your time in replying. I just wanted to know if it was hermie or not. I knew and expected different opinions. I have to accept that as well. Thanks for your input. I'll admit after thinking about it. You had me come up with my own answer of what I should do. And like I said...
No not a melt down. Just one arrogant know it all that can't answer a question without making a riddle out of it.
And this is why I never posted or asked any questions, there is always one guy who knows it all and ends up ruining a thread by bickering back and forth. Cause he needs to think his...
And running to the forum ? I have been growing for years and this is the first time I have ever posted a question. Did plenty of reading and research on my own but never ask a question. This one just has me stumped cause I have never seen this before. And if u had actually read the thread u...
In my defense I have been growing for awhile and have done many crosses. Now you just said it best. Is exactly why I don't wanna use a hemie and do all the testing after the fact to find out I have easily expressing hermie genetics and have to start all over again. That's why I wanna make sure...
Mudmudballs look at these pics again and tell me if this is hermie ? And if I might get unwanted pollen out of it. I'd really like to finish this go with the bx complete, but nervous about it being hermie !! If it isn't I'd do the bx. But if it is even a maybe is a hermie would rather not.
Ok I have plenty of the HP seeds, I have zero now out of the BBXHP that was to be the donor. So that's why I am, was thinking scrap this HP. save the donor pollen from the BBHP and then restart the HP's to do the bx with. Instead of using this HP which could be and looking like it is a hermie...
In my opinion. If 1 out of 10 hermied I'd say or think at least the genetics to express hermie would be low, and possible breed with the line using the none hermied plant/s. If 9 out of 10 hermied I'd or at least think the genetics to express hermie would be high and not breed with the genetic...
So do you think it might of been stress induced ? Why maybe it's only lower on the plant but now seems to be putting out calyx and pistols on top of the plant as the stressed is gone ?? Not sure what the stress was but who knows I guess !!
As a tea you can. I had root problems for the longest time in rdwc and the only thing that helped and I tried everything and I mean everything. Was a brewed tea with benny's and ewc. Look up or Google hysenberg tea ! But don't put any organics straight into your res !
You are correct. Thanks again for the help. Still not sure if that HP is hermie or not. But probably is. The reason I am questioning it in the first place. If it looks like a duck and walks and quacks like a duck. It's probably a duck. Just never seen a duck quite like this one lol
The BBXHP is to be the donor pollen to the HP that is looking like it might be hermie. Which could intern screw up the whole back x if the HP releases pollen as well
Yes correct the HP that is looking like it might be hermie. Was suppose to be the receiver of the back cross of the original BBXHP cross. Not sure if I am explaining this right
Can you explain a little more. I understand all canibis has the genetics. It's just how easily it is expressed. I don't want a genetic line that easily expresses hermaphrodite. So if that particular HP is expressing hermaphrodite. I don't wanna breed with it. Or is it not showing hermaphrodite...