The mosquito bits are good for fungus gnats. But dude. They ARE harmful to humans. There are several warnings on the bottle not to expose yourself to the bits and to wash hands before you do anything...especially smoking tobacco. If you don't know , please don't give bad advice.
I ran some of SCS Galactic Jack. It was a very nice sour lemon OG type with a speedy buzz. Was picky about nutes though. Will run more of their gear if I get a chance.
Dont give in to the temptation to let this anonymous persons words effect your decision. Rent like you normally would otherwise this anonymous creeps plan worked.
Dont let creeps win.Please.
It's real simple. Fill the whole pot up with soil. A few inches of soil is not enough. Transplant it into a full pot. You'll get better growth and results. That cup of soil it's in has enough nutes for about 5 days at best. You can't grow much weed in a cup or two of medium no matter what nutes...
Duct tape it and move on. You will see a few fan leaves above the break yellow out as it uses them for resources untill repair begins. Dont think it as a deficiency . Best of luck.
Bump T5 Club. I began my journey right here learning from your posts. My T5s used only for veg now and flowering with 600w HPS Keep rocking it!!
People always ask me how I keep my plants so short with nodes so tight. It's because I started right here and learned early to keep those lights...
I had a good time loading up on gear. HighTimes I love you !!!
got to meet and blaze with several breeders and overall had a good time.
I think I bought about 10-12 different strains in seed and got everything I wanted except GSC.
EVERYONE GOING TO THE LA CUP PLEASE DRIVE SAFE!!! We do not know how to drive on wet roads here in LA area !!
Get there safe so we can burn some together .
See you there !