areo flow fan inc sells really good axel and centrifugal fans. low wattage high cfm. the 6 inch axle fans are 240 cfm and under 40 watts. the 6inch centrifugal fan is like the vortex pricy but has balls and can cool 2 6
while be know that plants can handle temps above 90 and below 50 without instant death. if left in those conditions for too long you will see negative affects. plants do best between 70 and 78 degrees unless co2 enrichment is utilized in which case mid 80s are acceptable. but would i freak out...
that is similar to my set up. 12 plants 3 harvested every 3 weeks with a 45 day veg.4 x8 flower tent with 3 6000w hps. it is possible depending on strain and co2 enrichment but i say you will be close to that but it is all strain specific. one of my strains no way but one of my money makers sure.
it will never go higher then 7 which is fine of course slightly acidic is best but your liquid nutes will drop that back down alittle. just forget the lime if you dont feel comfortable with it use egg shells it really doesnt matter
and i dont care if you use dolomitic lime or cal mag liquid its the same thing except the liquid drops your ph a lot where the lime doesnt. its always neutral so you cant use to much and also its almost imposs to give a plant to much cal so good luck
like edispilf said hit it with a splash of cal mag liquid to give it some instant relief. next time mix soil with dolomite lime you really cant use to much of it and it will give you a balanced ph plus all the cal+mag you will need. better get on top of it or you will be chasing it if it gets...
i would agree with lifting the light for a few days they do not need a lot of light right now. But unlike clones seeds are hardy and can handle extreme light right form birth. you can easily start a seed under a 1000w MH. think about it. in nature they use the sun the most powerful light we...