or could it be that society puts too much pressure on people to be sexually active before they are fully mature or understand the implications?
could it be I didn't want to sell my soul?
could it be im just making excuses and trying to feel better about myself?
I was able to predict by your sense of humor that you are over 45 years old before I even looked at your profile. To me that's the most hilarious thing
the neuralyzer (est. 2019) formerly the blue devil from aqualab technologies comes this banger I even banged on a radiator one time broke glued it back together and now she use a victorian era base protector skurt because even bongs have a sense of modesty
Satan is not a third party entity imo. Satan is the ego and earthly temptation of man and the capacity to choose your own self importance over that of the universe. This means that Satan is in you, me and everyone. But there are also little angels. It just depends which you choose to feed.
Yea this def ain't top shelf shit lol it was some of their cheaper bud but I'm gonna be using humidity packets so I should be good. Also I'm storing less than ounce. Just needed to take a t-break so I'll probably use it within 6 months I just wanted to make sure it stayed good cuz waste not want not
Thx, ya that was my thoughts it's just kind of a false time constraint thing so people smoke it up fast and then buy more. I used the humi-smart packets on some homegrown before though and it stayed good for like at LEAST 6 months. The package mine came in didn't have humidity packets it was...
Hi all not a question related to growing but I wasn't sure where to post and was hoping someone could answer. I was wondering if the "expiration date" on the label of bud from the dispensary is actually something to take seriously or if stored correctly it can still stay fresh for longer than...