Yeah i've ran a few with the of the Deep Purple x Querkle (DPQ) by bb which is a nice smoke , nice mixed colours too need bag appeal ? tick .. Not one there strongest strains by far but its a decent smoke and my cut finished in about 8wks..
There's a few more with Tga background .. The...
Thanks man but i wouldn't call this space age though :) , i haven't did a full grow with cfls but they have uses for small spaces . I use 125 watt cfl ,and 200 watt cfls for vegging cuttings/and additional lighting sometimes through out the grow .
Well looks like its taken as the shrivelling...
Cool Sfguy.. im not sure i can answer that question im still learning about everything that goes into breeding and actually creating a strain, generations and selections, origins and hybrids ,and along with that any background on breeders history and personal business. I'm not trying to tell...
Here we go..
these all got splashed :
LMX2 (proper cheesey smell coming off this)
Sage(stinky cut)
uk cheese(Fire)
i have the cutts in water waiting for some more balls to burst.. i did a few trips with the cotton bud aswell but thought i'll try it with the tweezers, not as...
Been busy in here boy i cant even remember what page i was last on .. so much happening in here.. 600 is growing ..welcome to all the new heads ..
Things have been a bit up and down around here.. im just glad im on the up part now..had some bad losses last season, hoping for some better luck on...
2 weeks flower(almost 3)
All the hydros are looking good at the moment , most are drinking heavly except the mystry plant which doesnt seem to have drunk much , im going to change the water on that one before i feed tomorrow but the rest will be getting topped up asual.
The males starting tp...
AWox .. don't worry to much about the fan leaves for now being so young i would'nt remove any. I only remove leaves when im taking cuts and/or triming below the canopy ,probably 3 wks into flower then thats it till harvest time , you could clip back some of the leafs if you want though but that...
Week 1 flower
Things are taken shape now, i few things have been changed around plus a few plants a have been removed. The sage and another were'nt doing to good so they had to go.
The Jack herer is getting bigger than i expected ,its got some long arms on it looks like this could of done with...
Things look almost ready here nameless..
Are you using the 600hps and cfl at the same time? I dont think you need them both for veg, you could add another cfl with a different specturm to the one you already have if you want to do the Cfl route for veg or just one 600hps for veg - mine are...
The line up :
S.A.G.E x 3
Jack herer x1
LMX2 x2
Pk x herijuana x1
C-99 x 3
Pk x 2
Ed x 1
and cheese,?cheese and mystry plants make up the rest.
These are roughly 2-3 weeks in ,theres afew just added a few days ago these ones will probably only get 1wk proper veg time. Those are in coco.
New year greatings
I forgot to update the smoke reports form the last grow so here it is..
Smoke reports anit really my thing but i'll give it a go..
Psycho killer: Fire -the solid nugs Pheno reeks of lemon the fluffy one reeks of bad feet/dirty trainers.. Both are good but the solid pk's...
Im not to sure myself, i used to change my 600hps every 3 months but when i did a grow with out new bulbs there was'nt any difference. So now i use them for a whole grow + plus another veg then change them for new ones. Im nut sure how that breaks down in to hours but its i know i've been under...
Crazy shit ..$6000..
I dont know i'd probably bid up to £ 60-70 for a pack of ten or more... it must be a noob/or seed geek.. cause thats not the a money investment i get down with..and i love to invest my P.. A lot better/safer/faster ways to make $6000 plus investments.. And you ssay these...
well you got better skillz than me , mines a point and shoot and i cant get them close ups:( ... Think i'll upgrade anyhow ..was using a canon 1100D not long ago andi liked the pic quality..
Thanks Kona.. i get that often..i think its one of the things that should of been changed with the new...
Wow purple trichs .. i think i need to get me one of the proper cams so i can see what colours any of these have.. What cam did you take them pics with?ccs or dSLR?
Dst .. its like you out to change the world:) no nutes.. no new ph pen ec pen.. but heres some dank.. I'd by that...