Kazoozles and hi-chews I always went out late at night to 7/11 to stock up on these things. I remember the cantaloupe flavored hi-chews always tasted like gasoline lol.
For me nothing beats a thanksgiving feast. Golden fried turkey cooked to perfection slathered with gravy, mashed sweet potatoes covered with a blanket of melted marshmallow on top, fresh out of the oven garlic bread and of course you cant forget the Hawaiian sweet rolls with cranberry jam and...
The worm castings did seem quite wet. Well shit I guess I wont be eating my tomato plants since they are growing in the anaerobic ewc... I'm just gonna quit using manure all together not worth getting food poisoning.
I ordered a small package of organic odor free ewc from a reputable seller on amazon http://www.amazon.com/Unco-Industries-Earthworm-Castings-Fertilizer/dp/B00062KQ42/ref=sr_1_sc_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1429671377&sr=8-1-spell&keywords=organic+erath+worm+castings. When it arrived I opened the box and it...
The stems and undersides of my tomato plants are dark purple does this mean there is a phosphorus nutrient lockup? If so how do i fix this? My temps in the day are 80-85 degrees F and at night 70-79 degrees f. note. all these plants when in the seed germination and sprout stage were in...
For the oils use 5-10 drops per gallon depending on the severity of the infestation.
note. the oils also kill spider mites.
If you want to make the neem spray for use on a big garden just watch this video and skip to 17:30
Per gallon >> fill a pint sized jar with warm water add 2 tbs of sal...
Sprinkle mosquito bits on soil then water with clove/rosemary infused water. You don't need both oils. Hang yellow paper plates on walls with tangle foot to trap pests this saves so much money on sticky traps and tangle foot is omri certified organic ingredients.
Everything can be bought on...
Mosquito bits and clove oil work wonders! I got rid of my fungus gnats in 1 day. I used to have fly's crawling on my soil but ever since I used clove oil and mosquito bits they are trying to escape my closet.
I just put 2 drops of clove oil in an 8 oz bottle of tap water poke holes in the top...