You seem to misunderstand what I said. Wearing revealing clothes could "possibly" play a role in rape that doesn't mean it makes a man go out and rape someone because she is wearing a miniskirt. But it could nudge him to think in ways that could lead to rape. Your taking things too literally. It...
I agree. I think dressing like a slut plays a role in possibly getting raped I don't see how people cant see that.... its basic male instincts. some girl walking down the sidewalk with yoga pants and a miniskirt come on now..... I wish chicks didn't wear yoga pants all the time in public it just...
Yea its dumb how he said only marijuana I'm sure all those other patients smoked tobacco also.
I don't think smoking marijuana alone would cause acid reflux you would have to already have a condition. Marijuana could easily relax the sphincter muscle and give you acid reflux but that's not to...
Yea any form of smoking can exasperate acid re-flux. If you already have gastritis your esophageal sphincter is already damaged or unbalanced so smoking would just make it worse.Try vaping cannabis instead. I have gastroenteritis and I cant drink alcohol, caffeine or smoke. I can smoke weed but...
I grow these indoor and outdoor. Put em out when its sunny and put em inside when it gets cold and they seem to love my taotronics 12 watt led light. Last night a sprout grew 1 full inch and another seedling sprouted. Only problems I run into are white fuzzy stuff on the top of my soil but it...
Yea my worm castings smelled horrible I had to keep em outside cuse they were stinking up the garage. Perhaps I got bad ewc and now my soil is screwed? I put a ton of aeration and there is plenty of drainage under the soil i think that it retains too much moisture and the ewc infected it with a...
I have my soil cooking in the sun and there are bugs everywhere. I found a little green wormy thing at the top of the soil and there are these flat silver fly's on my soil is this bad? The soil also smells like earth worm shit still and it takes forever to dry out even with tons of drainage. I...
Yea I read an article on that. Its so fascinating to observe plants and their relationships with other plants. We really oughta start following the old native American way and we would have a lot less problems environmentally speaking.