Just give them a couple of quick shakes (not too hard), if the water bothers you. The truth is; it rains all the time and somehow all those wet plants manage to survive.
An alternative would be to just run a table fan, blowing through the plants, to make them "dance" a little bit.
I remember seeing a video, years ago. The point of the video was to determine what amount of passive inlet space was the most efficient when used in conjunction with an exhaust fan. They took a "room" and filled it with smoke, then experimented with various combinations of sizes of fans and...
I would say don't wait any longer (they are probably already tangled up). Cut them apart as you would a pan of Brownies. A plant can lose some roots and still survive and even recuperate!
I never said it was! But it does reflect the sun's light - and light is light. Whether or not it is in the correct spectrum, or strength, to promote photosynthesis and encourage growth is irrelative. The point I made (which is universally accepted - except by you) is that the, obviously...
What is it about Step-by-Step Tutorials ONLY that some of you people don't understand? This section is supposed to be instructional threads about How To (perform DIY type stuff), not threads about How Do I yada-yada.
Cola is Spanish for "tail". In our world it means when all the buds have grown together on a branch; forming a fat "tail". Over time, people have lost sight of the original meaning somewhat. Nowadays most people just call individual buds "colas".