10-10-10 and 20-20-20 are the same (as far as ingredients go). 20-20-20 is just twice as strong. What makes the difference is the dosage = the amount you actually use with each gallon of water.
Some people feed evey second or third watering, I prefer to divide the dosage so that I feed a...
The wording of laws is very clear. The violation of the law isn't for " growing at home"; it's for "manufacturing a controlled substance" (or something similar). Obviousely, if you are in possession of freshly cut buds, you are in the process of manufacturing. The bigger question is - are you...
We're all familiar with the collective wisdom stratigy: "Wait till the soil is dry (or light weight)" - then - "Drench it good, untill you get a healthy amout of run-off". But the thought occured to me - is that really the best way? Or is that really meant to be a warning for Newbies who might...
It cracks me up that people always "Point out" that it's an old thread. So what? I've been on here for a few years now and people keep asking the same stupid questions - therefore the information is still relevent. It's not just a matter of helping the OP answer his question - it's a matter...
Did I miss something, or are you lighting up a 25 sq. ft. tent with only 600 watts of HID light? You need about twice that much - or at least 1,000 watts.
Wow! That's kind of a wide spread - from 1 (or 2) to 5 grows per bulb change. Let's hear from some of you other people out there; let's have everyboby chime in and say how many grows you do per bulb change. And maybe even explain a little about your stratigy.
I hear what you're saying, that's what I was thinking too. I suppose that you can just tell when your yield shrivels up, it's time to change those bulbs.
Low pH can be caused by a few problems. Perhaps most often. it is caused by "Over Acidity". That may be from your Nutes, or from the soil itself. I would reccomend a little Garden Lime, top dressed. If you add too much that can cause an "Over Reaction", and your pH will "Teeter Totter" back...
Letting any Soil mix "Cook" is the prefered methode. But it is not manditory. It just gives the various micro-organisms a "Head Start" before the growing process begins. If you don't let it "Cook", it will just take a little longer to got up to speed.
I have always considered that "24,000 hours" claim as being a statement about mundane illumination - not so much about good old PAR lighting. Will an HID growlight really deliver 24,000 hours of service. I have been buying way too many bulbs!
But tell me, do they "peter out" slowly - or "crap...
I started out (years ago) changing my HID bulbs after two grows. At some point I went to three grows on a set of bulbs, and stayed there every since. I have read (on this forum) that some growers do as many as five grows per set of bulbs - which sounds a little much! So that got me...
Yeah - I'm hep to the "low power thing". My plan is to use low wattage x 3: two Metal Halide and one High Pressure Sodium in Veg - then reverse to two High Pressure Sodiun and one Metal Halide for Flower. That way I get the best from both spectrums
Well, thank you guys for the responces! I'm getting a whole new set of information to wrap my head around. I thought this would be fairly simple - it's starting open up new areas to consider.