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  1. N


    That picture is on the underside of one of the leaves actually. There is plenty of damage to leaves I’ve been fighting this for a few weeks now. Brought it back from almost dying but they keep coming back. I’ll try the citric acid though thank you!
  2. N


    Maybe mites? Anyone know? tried treating it with hydrogen peroxide to little effect Also been trying earths ally 3 in 1 but they just keep coming back. I’m on week 5 of flowering so didn’t really want to use a pesticide like sevin. Any ideas on how to treat ?
  3. N


    Thanks all for the reply’s! So gave it nitrogen and mag last night. And came home to a mess today. Leaves like this all over the plant. Really don’t know what I’m doin wrong but the plants starting to look pretty thin compared to only a few days ago from all the dying leaves. any other ideas ?
  4. N


    Really not sure what’s going on here I’ve tried multiple things. I’ve been picking yellow leaves for over a month now. It’s been really rainy and wet here anyone know if that’s what’s causing the yellow leaves ? This is my first year growing so I’m a bit lost. I fertilize once a week with...
  5. N

    Weird yellow and browning on leaves.

    It’s pro mix in the pots. Feeding it advanced nutrients once a week. Same as I have been. You think it’s from nutrient deficiency? Should I maybe feed it twice a week? It’s really humid where I live so been dealing with that. Had a bunch of bud rot and powdery mildew on my autos. Ended up making...
  6. N

    Weird yellow and browning on leaves.

    Not sure the issue here. Never had issues with this plant went away for a week with someone watering them when needed. Came back to this all over the leaves. I removed a lot of dying leaves yesterday, Raised the ph cause it was a tad low and sprayed with a hydrogen peroxide mix. Not sure what...
  7. N

    Bud rot

    I have a fan on it and have been moving it under a gazebo during rain but I just can’t beat the humidity. I almost want to bring it inside but I don’t think it will get enough sunlight. I’ll remove the rot and see. Thanks for the input. Figured it was way too early to harvest anyway
  8. N

    Bud rot

    Should I harvest this plant or remove the rot and see? first time growing and really don’t want to lose all the bud on this plant. Been really rainy and humid here.
  9. N

    Yellow and brown spots.

    Thanks for the input will give it a try
  10. N

    Yellow and brown spots.

    That was a bad pic sorry didn’t notice. I was speaking of the yellow and brown spots. The white was there because I had just sprayed hydrogen peroxide mix right before the pic. I’ll post a better one
  11. N

    Been fighting yellow and brown leaves

    That was end of day and no direct sunlight. No problems at all with new growth that I’ve seen. mostly lower on the plant. No idea what’s causing it
  12. N

    Been fighting yellow and brown leaves

    So for a week or two now I’ve been fighting yellow and brown spots on one of my plants. I must be misdiagnosing it and just all around making things worse. I know brown tips are over fertilizing. But what’s causing these other spots? The last two pics (with the more yellow leaves) were taken a...
  13. N

    Yellow and brown spots.

    Hi have this autoflower that I think is getting close to harvest. Just wondering if anyone knows what the spots could be from, how to treat and if it’s worth plucking all of them now. I had a mite problem a couple weeks back but I thought it was under control. Have been using peroxide 1:1. Once...
  14. N

    How close to harvest

    Thanks man. This pm has been keeping me up at night.
  15. N

    How close to harvest

    First time growing here. Don’t think they’re ready yet but have a small pm outbreak want to know if it’s too late in the game to treat with fungicide or if I have to stick with peroxide.
  16. N

    White spots on a few of my plants

    Been having these white spots appear on a few of my plants. Unfortunately I think it’s powdery mildew but I could be completely wrong. Was treating with neem oil but few plants are close to harvest. Any ideas what I could use to eradicate without changing the taste of my bud