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  1. undercoverfbi

    HS ... What are YOU smoking ON???

    that shit looks good BiG PuFFer I am jealous jelly - I started doing coffee Monday afternoon and finally ended the unprecedented, event filled mathematics I've ever quizzed before. Rails, snort, vape, hell even QUAG aqua What a fucking blurr, after Tuesday morning shit gets hazy, and here I...
  2. undercoverfbi

    these people are nuts

    "“I would stay up for days at a time binging. Eventually I had lost a lot of weight; I looked like walking death and was a disgrace to everyone who loved me.”—Tom" What The Fuck Apparently LSD is on the same level on that AC. I guess shrooms must be on heroin's status. Imma dab some wax...
  3. undercoverfbi

    HS ... What are YOU smoking ON???

    my neighbor, her screams, it only fuels my diseased, infinite range raging erection
  4. undercoverfbi

    General Colorado Thread

    Bumping? No hot railing is the way to travel instead of street bumpin and cruising
  5. undercoverfbi

    where my guys at?

    Well if were gonna mention badges What is the current demand like for licensed mmj employees? Im sure tenders are more common and easier to get into rather than a growing position Having smoked plenty of mmj past 7 years, ive grown beyond my old fascination and obessession over the product...
  6. undercoverfbi

    The I quit hard drugs thread

    I got a woman now who has agreed to marry me I busted my nut in her like fireworks cuz im a pshyco that wants to seal the deal and she wants a kid too Anyway this woman has convinced me to be more of a man and now i quit hard drugs
  7. undercoverfbi

    HS ... What are YOU smoking ON???

    it did me both body effects
  8. undercoverfbi

    HS ... What are YOU smoking ON???

    That batch looks phenomenal. Lots of crytals and frost. ---------------------- Since u guys killed the H.S Jibber Jabber Thread Check out this bottle of assumed GHB or weak acid. It kinda perma-fried my mind I would be on here proud to say i stopped hard drugs but toorrow begins the weekend...
  9. undercoverfbi

    Post Your Pics, No Serious You Can Actually Do It Here!

    You guys rock! Very inspiring to see all of your plants and which strain they hold I have some experience to catch up on My first, true legit grow, all natural and organic outdoors I even managed to get rid of a once near-fatal bug infestation I believe these are trainwreck seeds well...
  10. undercoverfbi

    where my guys at?

    Smells like they were fucking you over via little income and under appreciated
  11. undercoverfbi

    Southern Colorado country-town 2k16

    I absolutely will finalize my garden in aesthetics and function this weekend, Anywhozles ive already got my crop growing enough and plenty of em
  12. undercoverfbi

    Hs Jibber Jabber Thread

    Wow, 3AM already. I hate when you realize that soon you'll be at work not high n shit Oh well, you work hard, you play hard. I live for the weekends and making memories in between
  13. undercoverfbi

    Hs Jibber Jabber Thread

    Ooohh, sounds like fun, I admire your ability to be in tune with your magic and not there simply for a high-ride
  14. undercoverfbi

    Hs Jibber Jabber Thread

    im high another night of kicking it with homies watching funny shit on youtube goodnight you know you got good friends when there is only trade of goods no buying/selling hippy style Now for a random song unrelated to my night
  15. undercoverfbi

    Southern Colorado country-town 2k16

    My climate is a bit more sunny and drier than the folks up north. However even with my missing watering days and having hoot temperatures, my new corn row has sprouted! The soil around here is quality enough to use it instead of spending money for imported soil My first corn row is doing...
  16. undercoverfbi

    Southern Colorado country-town 2k16

    )Did some planting and manual tilling today. I now have planted Artichoke, Anaheim chili peppers, gold carrots, onion, parsley I have growing indian corn, jack-o-lantern pupkin for the nieces and nephew, and some trainwreck. I have to add later in the evening when it cools down, Watermelon...
  17. undercoverfbi

    Random Jibber Jabber Thread

    Good morning Colorado
  18. undercoverfbi

    where my guys at?

    Reno 911 was a good show. Treehouse is meh these days i only like theirn prices, twas better with the old crew back in the day
  19. undercoverfbi

    Mass Shooting at Florida Gay Club

    You have nothing time worthy to do like plant veggies or forcing your neighbor to jerk your load Instead youve spent your time critisizing and pointing out an internet character Sad what happened to those innocent lives. It would be no different if some nut job shot up a denver cannabis expo...
  20. undercoverfbi

    Hs Jibber Jabber Thread

    What a fun night of playing all sorts of Call of Duty zombie maps on different installments. Cant wait to go home and finally sleep tho lol Work is gonna drag ass today