these people are nuts

"“I would stay up for days at a time binging. Eventually I had lost a lot of weight; I looked like walking death and was a disgrace to everyone who loved me.”—Tom"




Apparently LSD is on the same level on that AC.

I guess shrooms must be on heroin's status.

Imma dab some wax right now and god forbid, after two hits Ill be as whacked out as a whacky PCP clown
We tend to go to experts, to those who are successful in a particular enterprise when we want advice or insight.

Why do we go to those who are unsuccessful when we want insight on the use of drugs? Success stories abound surrounding the use of Lsd. Jobs and Wozniack used Lsd, world renowned writers and theologians and philosophers used psychoactive chemicals. The inventor of Lsd used it occasionally, as did other chemists, all highly successful, balanced and rational people, and yet we persist in collecting only information and stories from those who have failed in their use of such h substances, why is that?
lol i've made fun of this bullshit before, the worse is the weed page seems like they take the most clueless idiots in the world to do it, every drug has negatives but they never talk about the real negatives always seem to spew outdated nonsense
“By the age of twenty-one, I checked into my first rehab.” —Donna

for fucking lsd? are u kidding me?

i love how they spell kush wrong in the weed video lol
Fuck, the discription of what them idiots describe just makes me want to do it more. So is this a shroom advocacy video, they didn't say they were bad.

I knew a kid that got "high" off a rolled cigarette cuz we told him it was weed. These are the same kind of idiots. They have this scary idea of what the experience should be like so they do everything possible to make that experience reality even if it isn't.
Fuck, the discription of what them idiots describe just makes me want to do it more. So is this a shroom advocacy video, they didn't say they were bad.

I knew a kid that got "high" off a rolled cigarette cuz we told him it was weed. These are the same kind of idiots. They have this scary idea of what the experience should be like so they do everything possible to make that experience reality even if it isn't.
lol yeah u can see right through it, and people who don't do drugs sponge this shit right up and continue the cycle of alienating drug users over false bullshit, i don't see why people can't stop being assholes for 1 min and accept people for who they are, probually just jealous of how much fun we're having lol
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