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  1. J

    Male or female?

    Two plants and not sure what they are. Bag seed. Outside. 60 days from seed put in soil.
  2. J

    I’ve never seen a plant do this?

    I’m new to growing but granted I’ve never seen a plant if any kind do this. Any ideas?
  3. J

    What is up with this weird plant

    Haha that’s what it looked like to me too
  4. J

    Is a male plant

    Oh awesome thanks so much
  5. J

    Is a male plant

    It’sa Clone and from a female but i don’tKnow what this is
  6. J

    What is up with this weird plant

    I took some pics of my uncles plant he’s using a compost he makes himself. Just looks weird. What are your thoughts
  7. J

    Can you skip veg and go straight to flower?

    I was curious if you had to wait a certain time or if anyone else had set 12/12 after seedling stage. What it does? Just information from people who have done it
  8. J

    What’s wrong with this Little guy?

    lol I robbed my wife’s craft bin. Lol trying to be wallet friendly hangs
  9. J

    What’s wrong with this Little guy?

    This is the only one out of 12 that look like this. It’s about a week old I did mist water theSoil around it so do you guys think it’s water that magnified and burned the leaves? Here’s one that’s 4 days older and I did the same things with these as I did with all of mine. Just curious to hear...
  10. J

    Very new to growing! Would appreciate advice.

    Those look amazing!!! I aspire for that lol. Is that what you feed your plant?
  11. J

    Very new to growing! Would appreciate advice.

    It’s amazing what those little bastards will do. I’m hoping that moving them outside with kill any bugs if there are any lol
  12. J

    Very new to growing! Would appreciate advice.

    I just didn’t know what they were at all or what they did. Or if they came in the Walmart bag. Or my friends selling that had the gnats. I just saw them and freaked out hard. I was up for hours scouring sites. That’s his I ended up joining this site lol
  13. J

    Very new to growing! Would appreciate advice.

    Is indoors until I am happy with their initial growth them outside I plan
  14. J

    Very new to growing! Would appreciate advice.

    It was this bs!!!
  15. J

    Very new to growing! Would appreciate advice.

    No it definitely was not. Sadly it was the cheapest bags I could find. They were left outside too. Now I know all things to avoid lol
  16. J

    Very new to growing! Would appreciate advice.

    No that was actually one from a friend that had fungus gnats so switched out the soil completely. Washed the pot. Put new fox farms ocean forest and some extra perlite. Carefully planted the plant back in. And covered the top with perlite. In just a paranoid person anyways so I thought in my...
  17. J

    Very new to growing! Would appreciate advice.

    Thank you so much. In learning more everyday and definitely caring for them more and more. Looking for signs and all the good stuff :)