Very new to growing! Would appreciate advice.

No issues before transplant. And I didn’t really pay much attention. They were at my mothers as seedlings and brought here two weeks ago. It was an organic potting soil from Walmart. I know I know. Well now I know that I should have gone with something better. There’s a lot of compacting so I think there’s a lot of clay in the soil. And I haven’t fed them anything but water. I do know on the bag it said three months of feeding but I didn’t know what that meant. Still kinda don’t lol
I'm guessing you got Black Gold and that's decent organic soil. You can add extra perlite or pumice to lighten it up next time.
It's is exciting watching them grow and the possibility of trying different methods. I see you have one in perlite is it just petite in the pot?
No that was actually one from a friend that had fungus gnats so switched out the soil completely. Washed the pot. Put new fox farms ocean forest and some extra perlite. Carefully planted the plant back in. And covered the top with perlite. In just a paranoid person anyways so I thought in my mind that would help haha
Slow release fertiliser has been added to the mix before purchased. A calculated strength nutrient release each month personal I would stay clear of anything with a premixed medium from Walmart. But you have to use what you got and your doing well and they are very tolerant in the beginning.
No that was actually one from a friend that had fungus gnats so switched out the soil completely. Washed the pot. Put new fox farms ocean forest and some extra perlite. Carefully planted the plant back in. And covered the top with perlite. In just a paranoid person anyways so I thought in my mind that would help haha
Gnats suck they can ruin a grow very quickly if not treated. I found covert the tops with a paper plate or plastic helps. It all depends on if indoors or out
Slow release fertiliser has been added to the mix before purchased. A calculated strength nutrient release each month personal I would stay clear of anything with a premixed medium from Walmart. But you have to use what you got and your doing well and they are very tolerant in the beginning.
It was this bs!!!


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Gnats suck they can ruin a grow very quickly if not treated. I found covert the tops with a paper plate or plastic helps. It all depends on if indoors or out
You don't have to worry about gnats if you have predators. Hypoaspis miles will take care of all of them. Most of my hypoaspis came from Wiggle Worm EWC. I haven't seen a gnat in a year and a half now, using the same soil.
I started in a similar way not knowing a thing about growing in a cheap soil type medium which was fine except for the heavy weight of the wet soil. Which is why I switched to coco without perlite and ended up with issues gnats over watering these 2 alone can give you plant deficients which can look like much worse than what is actually the problem
You don't have to worry about gnats if you have predators. Hypoaspis miles will take care of all of them. Most of my hypoaspis came from Wiggle Worm EWC. I haven't seen a gnat in a year and a half now, using the same soil.
I just didn’t know what they were at all or what they did. Or if they came in the Walmart bag. Or my friends selling that had the gnats. I just saw them and freaked out hard. I was up for hours scouring sites. That’s his I ended up joining this site lol
Indoors you don't have natural predators So they can build up in numbers the gnats in the second stage of life do the most damage and can destroy your roots fibers
In my first grow I had ants I thought it was kinda cool until I found out they were carrying avids around and using them to eat the plant and avid extruded a sugar substance for them in return little barstards
I just didn’t know what they were at all or what they did. Or if they came in the Walmart bag. Or my friends selling that had the gnats. I just saw them and freaked out hard. I was up for hours scouring sites. That’s his I ended up joining this site lol
EWC are the SHIT, literally, lol.

I originally bought a bunch of FFOF almost 2 years ago, and have since converted it into no-till.

Here's a clone only Green Crack that I just threw in my flower closet. This was taken on the 25th.

And here's a clone only Chem 91 that's about 4 weeks since flip.
In my first grow I had ants I thought it was kinda cool until I found out they were carrying avids around and using them to eat the plant and avid extruded a sugar substance for them in return little barstards
It’s amazing what those little bastards will do. I’m hoping that moving them outside with kill any bugs if there are any lol
EWC are the SHIT, literally, lol.

I originally bought a bunch of FFOF almost 2 years ago, and have since converted it into no-till.

Here's a clone only Green Crack that I just threw in my flower closet. This was taken on the 25th.
View attachment 4582295

And here's a clone only Chem 91 that's about 4 weeks since flip.
View attachment 4582296
Those look amazing!!! I aspire for that lol. Is that what you feed your plant?
It’s amazing what those little bastards will do. I’m hoping that moving them outside with kill any bugs if there are any lol
I found using a flush of Neem oil drench worked well just need to follow it up with another method to prevent more eggs been laid
Those look amazing!!! I aspire for that lol. Is that what you feed your plant?
I'm trying to be able to just top dress and give them plain water.

I use a bunch of different dry amendments depending on what I think they're gonna want, and I'll mix whatever with a little vermicompost and pumice. I'm no expert on what they want though. I'm still learning.