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  1. Marijke Van Doornick

    What are bong percolators and diffusers?

    Been smoking percolator bongs for over 5 years now and whenever I try a non-perc, the difference really is noticeable. For anyone still looking, the forum on grasscity is useful. Checked out a number of forums and noticed that many just seem to repeat the quite poor entry over on wikipedia...
  2. Marijke Van Doornick

    Best Stoner Jokes

    A cop stops a stoner and says "Your eyes are red, have you been smoking weed?" and the stoner replies "Your eyes are glazed, have you been eating donuts?"
  3. Marijke Van Doornick

    Welcome New Members! Read this before posting!

    Just arrived here. On the road at the moment, having fun and meeting new buds. In England at the moment then off thru Europe to Hungary for the summer, catch some festivals and hangouts, then down to Greece.
  4. Marijke Van Doornick

    Welcome New Members!

    Just arrived here. Traveling the world for the past years and still gonig, hanging out, making friends, finding the best buds in so many places. Hi to everyone here.