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  1. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    There is no snitch or conspiracy here and heres why. My step son is a special needs child. He has ocd,adhd, tourettes and autisim. The school has lost him before. He just walks out. He has been found by police before walking down the highway. My wife and I have threatend the school with legal...
  2. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Ok went to court yesterday. It was reset again and here is why. My lawyers are requesting this signed concent they claim they have. It has been 3 months allmost. I know they dont have one, atleast not legit. What really pisses me off is this pretrial probation.... Extorting money out of us so we...
  3. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    It says in the police report that my wife repediatly refused, said no, and the officers told her that she had no choice and that they would not help look for her son untill they were allowed entry to search. Also says in the report that she sighned consent... She swears she signed nothing and...
  4. drains21m

    You Got Busted. What Where You Doing Wrong?

    i would like to add dont sell where you grow, and no girlfriends...
  5. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    today my CPS caseworkers supervisior calls me and wanted to "talk" to me because she heard that i had questions. I first asked her why my children were removed from the house. She said dont you know? duh... but the pirates came in and took everything... so what was the point. how is it that...
  6. drains21m

    Driving Cross Country With Plants

    so not worth it! crossing state lines... and they took my kids over a little pot. AZ is legal now you can get better strains im sure..
  7. drains21m

    White Widow Grow Flowering

    those hairs will start to die and turn red and the crystals will turn from clear to milky white that is about the time I liked to cut my widow.
  8. drains21m

    New Why is Weed Illegal Thread

    pisses me off people still call it marijuana. marijuana is a Mexican tobacco, calling it that made it new and strange. They then started scaring the public with movies such as reefer madness. Another thing i hate media...
  9. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    yeah well this cracker don't crumble! Thanks for all the support! FIGHT THE POWER!
  10. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    I highly doubt it... They can do pretty much anything they want and that is why I call them pirates... Honestly I dont care what happens to me just hope my wife is cleared and we get the kids back. Quite ridicules that they took my kids over something that is perfectly legal all over the US...
  11. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    We went to court again today. Those damn pirates either faked a consent to search or had my wife sign one after she was already in jail. My lawyer is requesting this paper work to see what happened. Our lawyer is still not worried because the written statement from the cops says that my wife...
  12. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    When they get caught doing something illegal....have more rights than I do....
  13. drains21m

    Court Ordered Drug Test For Custody Case (Help Needed!)

    We were ordered to get tested by CPS from my recent bust on my grow OP. We had to report to the lab the following day because it was already 6 or 7pm, so they like to get you asap. If you are ordered by family court I am sure they will have a lab nearby and will tell you to report there...
  14. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Im not sure what "they" call it here but I call it fucky! I have to call probation 24 hours before my court dates, report to probation after every court date, urinate, pay to urinate(17$), pay probation fees(40$ each time), and call 48 hours before I leave the county and ask for permission. So...
  15. drains21m

    Court Ordered Drug Test For Custody Case (Help Needed!)

    I have recently been thru this.... they sent me and my wife to a lab. From her they cut at the scalp in 4 different locations on her head collecting 200 strands of hair. On me (shaved head) they asked if I wanted my arms or legs shaved. I picked leg because I didnt want anyone to see my arms...
  16. drains21m

    Full Size Fake Plants

    heh I would like to post a few of these up in my front yard.... neighbors already hate me...
  17. drains21m

    New Why is Weed Illegal Thread

    money is why it is illegal..... see yall later im going to go kill myself with asprin....
  18. drains21m

    Passing a Drug Test (100% NO FAIL)

    I agree, years ago I would do this. Have smoked the day before and not failed. Please don't drink bleach...
  19. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Ok if you live in Harris county and have a grow, THEY DO NOT CHARGE YOU WIT CULTIVATION OR INTENT. They only charge you with weight. words straight out of my lawyers mouth, I asked because it was bugging me why they didnt want to charge me with cultivation. I thought maybe it was because thier...
  20. drains21m

    Busted In Houston Tx

    Right now things are looking good.... The lawyers that i have talked to agree that they had no warrant everything was out of sight and my grow room was locked! We are likely to to get off scott free!! Oh my sweet relief.... meeting in person with the lawyer I have picked in person today at 3 and...