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  1. wantbud82

    first journal lemon skunk clones

    hi these are my lemon skunk clones. In 18ltrs of soil,under 600w dual spec vegging. Two weeks today. This is my first journal,I will update weekly.peace
  2. wantbud82

    help me water

    Gonna go check that out on eBay,cheers
  3. wantbud82

    help me water

    It's just all purpose enriched. Yes I used both perlite and vermiculite. All the moisture seems to be at bottom of pots.
  4. wantbud82

    help me water

    I'm using miracle grow,I know people say its pants but I used plant magic soil for a few runs and my yield was half what it was from miracle grow. I find I don't have to feed veg nutes as its a very heavily fertilized soil.
  5. wantbud82

    help me water

    Hi people,I've got clones in 18ltr pots of soil,they are two weeks into veg and I've only watered when I potted. Problem I'm having is to tell when I need to water again. I'm not used to pots this size. Please advise :roll:
  6. wantbud82

    600w or 1000w

    oh well I've got even bigger pots than I thought. Getting off the lighting subject lol
  7. wantbud82

    Dinafem Auto + Critical OR Nirvana Bubblelicious?

    You would only tell from smell when its in bud. I've grown both. The critical is really fruity and I didn't reckon much to the bubbles it smelt like that english. But then I only grew two,you mite get the elusive bubblegum flavour.
  8. wantbud82

    600w or 1000w

    18ltrs is a touch under 4gallon
  9. wantbud82

    Be careful when your taking pic with your smart phones

    GPS is always off. I hate the fact its there. Still if the powers want to know where you are they can trace your phone without GPS. But I take comfort that they gotta be doing more important shit than tracing me for 8 plants.
  10. wantbud82

    600w or 1000w

    I will try out 600w and see how it goes,I have to pack away over winter because landlord does inspections so if I don't get my 2 oz per plant I will go 1000w in new year. That's why I love my tent,down and away in 20 mins.
  11. wantbud82

    600w or 1000w

    I think 18ltr is close enuff
  12. wantbud82

    lemon skunk

    I've got them vegging under 600w hps dual SPEC. I'm thinking of adding another 400w hps during flower,opinions?
  13. wantbud82

    600w or 1000w

    I know its bad but I live in rented property and have to work around landlord. Can't do none stop grow. I've never done 12/12 from the start. Don't seem worth it,I'm aiming for 2 oz a plant but we will see. I've had oz and half per plant using just 600w in 10ltr. That's why I'm hoping to use...
  14. wantbud82

    600w or 1000w

    I started with 8 but decided that would be to much with these pots so I murdered 2. I've grown 2 or 3 plants before but I'm impatient so only like to veg for 3 weeks. That's why I do more rather than less
  15. wantbud82

    lemon skunk

    [ATTACH=CONFIG]2774733 My lemon skunk 18tr soil
  16. wantbud82

    600w or 1000w

    I've grown 9 plants in same area just with 600w and had no problems at all with my bending technique. I will keep an eye on it though
  17. wantbud82

    Removing shade leaves

    I just bend my plants over once and it works a treat. I sellotape top leaf to side of pot. Works wonders
  18. wantbud82

    600w or 1000w

    Yeah they all female clones,I start training the plants in a few days. I've had space issues before. I'm gonna bend the plants over. I flower when plants 18inch. It leaves plenty of room. I learnt from my mistake before lol
  19. wantbud82

    600w or 1000w

    that's what I'm aiming for the 16 oz. So me and the Mrs don't have to pay a tenner for a g of fuck knows what lol
  20. wantbud82

    600w or 1000w

    No its 1.2m sq. 400 wouldn't touch the sides. These are gonna be some big plants.