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  1. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    Better pics with light off using flash on camera
  2. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    -=Day 51=- -=Flower Day 25=- Yesterday they got a nute dose at full strength. All 4 strains take a full dose and love it. No negative side effects at all. Temp is 22°C with mid 50's for humidity. Buds look to be stacking up nicely for the most part. - First pic is the 4x4 room - Last 2 pics are...
  3. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    -=Day 48=- -=Flower Day 22=- Just took some flower shots to show the trichome growth starting to kick off. Got the humidity in the low 50's and temp during the day around 23-24°C
  4. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    -=Day 46=- -=Flower Day 20=- Plants are flowering quite nicely. Gonna have to try and find some sort of light to take better pics. Purple lighting kinda sucks for taking pics! First close up is of Lavender, second is of Gorilla Cookies
  5. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    Haven't consistently measured. Manufacturer said 18" - 30" so I've been having it sit around 22" for the most part.
  6. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    -=Day 39=- -=Flower Day 13=- Flowering seems to be moving along alright
  7. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    I should also mention I gave them my full line of nutrients this morning. Their organic cocktail of choice :D
  8. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    First 2 pictures are before the trim. The following 2 pictures I took after trimming the lower area of the plant and adding the scrog net.
  9. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    -=Day 46=- -=Flower Day 10=- Haven't seen these girls in a week and WOW are they stretching fast! I did some minor trimming on the lower part of the plants today. Setup the scrog net to help support the branches and spread out the canopy. Starting to look like a 4'x4' tent can handle two 600w...
  10. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    -=Day 38=- Gave them a really good watering. Going out of town to work for 9 days. Can't wait to see how they look when I get back home!
  11. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    -=Day 36=- Gave the plants 15 hours of light instead of 18 -=Day 37=- First day of 12/12 with the "Flower" switch turned on. Let the stretch begin! Recap: - 36 days of grow - running all organic nutrients, diluted to ¼ to ½. Last feed was full strength. - 5 gallon home Depot buckets with...
  12. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    -=Day 33=- LSD (in the picture on the left) and Lavender are 15" tall. Critical Orange Punch (in the picture on the right) and Gorilla Cookies are 12" tall. Looking like day 38 will be flip day before I head out of town to work for a week.
  13. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    -=Day 32=- Last week I trimmed off the bottom 2 nodes. Fed them my nutrient mix 8 days ago. The back 2 are growing very Sativa like, front like Indica. Still more room to grow until flower! My house stinks a bit too haha
  14. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    -=Day 22=- Plants are doing good!
  15. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    -=Day 19=- Topped all 4 today. Looks like I pinched the 6th node (maybe 7th?). Hard to tell since this is my first grow and I'm not entirely sure
  16. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    -=Day 18=- Transplant day! Got home last night from working out of town for a week. While I was gone my little fan fell off the post. My wife put it back up but ended up pointing it at one of my plants (bottom left). Looks like it got some wind burn (brown spotting) and lost a couple days worth...
  17. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    -=Day 11=- Watered with nute's today. Mixed up molasses, liquid seaweed, Diamond Nectar and FloraNova Grow. Noticed the little girls are starting make the tent smell a little skunky already. Wasn't expecting this so soon!
  18. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    1 week since seeds broke through the dirt. I will be using this for my grow days. -=Day 7=- Temp: 25-26° Humidity: 71-74% Watered today with just plain water. No nute's
  19. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    7 days after seeds went into dirt
  20. Apocalypse 82

    First Grow Ever (Organic + LED)

    Day 2 - Wet Paper Towel Due to time constraints, they will only be there for ~18 hours. The plate (with another plate on top) is sitting on my nice warm modem. I'll be throwing them in soil, popped or not, when I wake up first thing in the morning. I'm flying out to work for 7 days so my wife...