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  1. othehustla

    when should i change my nutrients from veg to flower nutrients

    so i fed them today so im going to give them plain water in the next few days and then switch to bloom nutrients:joint: by the second feed wich should be in about six day
  2. othehustla

    when should i change my nutrients from veg to flower nutrients

    :joint::joint:hello everyone im growing ak 47 easy ryder and i would like to know if anyone can help my babys are starting to flower and i dont know when to start changing my nutrients from grow to bloom please help hear are some pics of my babys
  3. othehustla

    Hello help first grow ak47 easy ryder

    it hit 95 like twice and caught it quick but if it hit 90 i heard that it slows the growth how long after i get bac to normal temps does it grow at a normal rate
  4. othehustla

    Hello help first grow ak47 easy ryder

    my grow room temps has a lot of up and down temps it goes from 89 degrees to 83 and sometimes 77 with the humidty going from 25% to 55% is that ok or is that stress to the plant but the plants are looking by the its three plant under a 400watt mh bulb