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  1. nz green

    first scog attempt

    hay lovin jk how u been man hows those girls doing updates ahh into first week of flowering now 3rd day now i recon close to 2 pound judging by the last ones these are way bigger i veged for 7 weeks on the last ones and only 5 weeks on these ones its getting crazy in there and hay kreditcrunch...
  2. nz green

    first scog attempt

    tomorrow will be 5 weeks and change to 12/12 aswell over the last week i have gradually increased the dark period and keeping the dark temp around 22-23 and day temp around 25-26 for the first 2-3weeks of flowering cant wait for buds
  3. nz green

    first scog attempt

    na man not cooled just a mixed flow centrifugal sucking out and a 150 inline fan with a light dimmer rigged to it to turn fan speed up and down sucking in air i got a little fan blowing on the plants and a small fan blowing accross the bulbs hopeing itl push heat strait into the extractor fan my...
  4. nz green

    These ladies look healthy? Skunk #1 & AMS

    ye man hes right to i got 2 400w on mine and they grow so much in 1 day
  5. nz green

    first scog attempt

    4weeks 2day tied all the branches back last night in the morning they had all turnd upwards very happy with how there growing:weed:
  6. nz green

    These ladies look healthy? Skunk #1 & AMS

    i know someone whos grown hydro for 25 years i follow alot of what he had to pass on to me and thats one of the things he told me to do he had by far the best results iv seen he grew 18 ounce plants one of the buds i seen nearly weighed 6oz
  7. nz green

    These ladies look healthy? Skunk #1 & AMS

    i have a 50litre rez when i mix in the canna nutes and my ppm meter reads happy my ph is perfect 6.0 i check it every 2-3 days if it drops low which is hardly ever during veg check the ph of your tap water my tap waters quite a high ph so i use that to try and adjust the ph if its to low before...
  8. nz green

    These ladies look healthy? Skunk #1 & AMS

    na my pump has that slimy stuff just flush it with the ph water and u need a ppm meter you wont go rong with one i forgot to say change the rez everyday while flushing pain in the ass but worth it 3days i recon and youl be away
  9. nz green

    These ladies look healthy? Skunk #1 & AMS

    just do it for 2-3 days at the same watering cycle, do you have a ppm and ph meter? what id do is flush it till your meter reads happy about half strength let them come right then slowly beef the nutes back up...then soon itl be bongsmilietime lol
  10. nz green

    These ladies look healthy? Skunk #1 & AMS

    and it wont be the rockwool affecting the ph it would be the nute build up-if it has a nute buil up that is
  11. nz green

    These ladies look healthy? Skunk #1 & AMS

    cf is conductivity factor same as ppm and ec which tells you the strenghth of your nutes just something i red a while back someone growing in rockwool there tank was perfect he tested the rockwool and the levels were almost 2x optimal that could throw the ph out in the rockwool give it a flush...
  12. nz green

    These ladies look healthy? Skunk #1 & AMS

    they look sweet man whats your cf and ph, temp is sweet oh and whats your rez temp check both ph and cf in your tank and rock wool they might be different im using canna A-B and rhizotonic pumice as my medium in a 30litre big bucket system i made it myself simple az i feed for 15mins every 6 hours
  13. nz green

    first scog attempt

    3 weeks 5 days cant wait to flower them 1 more week i think.
  14. nz green

    first scog attempt

    3 weeks 2day bit of LST going on looking healthy 2 or 3 more weeks i think:leaf:
  15. nz green

    ye shit man that rego pisd me right of to anyway my opinion is our rhino is definitly a sativa x...

    ye shit man that rego pisd me right of to anyway my opinion is our rhino is definitly a sativa x indica its weird actualy because the way it buds looks to me more indica dominant but leaves and high is strong sativa thats just my opinion anyway my rhino was so glassy and sticky loved it as for...
  16. nz green

    first scog attempt

    going mean they were tiny when i got them 2 and a half weeks later i even snapped the stems now there branching out i fimed the top every top now has 3 or 4 heads now and ill just tie it back instead of scrog
  17. nz green

    first scog attempt

    definitly kept height down they would have been huge otherwise not sure on yeild was my first hydro and scrog this time round should be heaps better i recon i could have got way more on the last two if i knew what i know now im not scroging this time but definitly gona do it again
  18. nz green

    first scog attempt

    yea man scrog was great should have planed it better i made it to cramped to get around lol cheers
  19. nz green

    hay bro ye those were rhino but when you look at over seas rhino its indica im not scrogging...

    hay bro ye those were rhino but when you look at over seas rhino its indica im not scrogging these ones ill let them vege out big then snap the branches back then turn it to flower im working on getting tru seeds iv got rhino x bigbud seeds which im germinating now for a mother