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  1. V

    Newb question - male vs. female

    Pics help lot.
  2. V


    You need to lower your lights a little. You shoulden't plant in a clear container. don't water to much(use a spray bottle) Leave your lights on 24/7. Besides that there are doingfine
  3. V

    preflowers or not?

    en you put them into flowering, you will know
  4. V

    VInegar/Baking SOda; adjusting Ph

    gotot Nice setup
  5. V

    nute burn?????

    Did you flush it yet? Lights, N€utes, Tims schedule, alot of things
  6. V

    nute burn?????

    I think it nute burn but they are alot of factors.
  7. V

    12/12 From Seed Experiment

    MayI still ask Why did you go 12/12 from seed. You don't need to experiment with mother nature.
  8. V

    12/12 From Seed Experiment

    Sorry bro. I thought you flowered for a month already. Let it go. Happy dAys
  9. V

    12/12 From Seed Experiment

    enjoy your buzz after that yeild(once). Why not spend your time doing it properly. It does look good and healthy though.
  10. V

    Help Me!!!!

    morowgrow, here is one plantat 23 days. My other 2 are shorter but sprouting everywhere. It is all good brother.
  11. V

    installing new lights please help

    I would not suggest someone t mess with there electrical if they no nothing. Not a good start to a burned down house.
  12. V

    Help Me!!!!

    If it looks healthy, keep doing what you are doing. The can grow themselves.
  13. V

    22 days since they popped up.. one problem.

    Yes boenman is right but make sure they are better. Did you flush them?
  14. V

    22 days since they popped up.. one problem.

    You don't need to give them nutes until a month. They look good
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    Help Me!!!!

    Maybe a pic would help?
  16. V

    u luv it, Guess My Yeild, 1 plant sativa dom, LST , 400W HPS

    almost 1 1/2 dry, my opinion. Good luck. let us know
  17. V


    Yes, How old are they? What lights? Time table?
  18. V

    I need a difination of master class

    need a bigger home. Feeed it nutes and let it go
  19. V

    seeds over night planted..

    some people soak the seeds in water for germentation instead of paper towl. That works as well. I use paper towel myself
  20. V

    seeds over night planted..

    not to moist. you don't want to drown them(kill the root)Use a spray bottle