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  1. Passthat87

    36 Watts Led Grow In Action Again!!!:)

    nice plants would u say the LEDs had a big part in the grow?
  2. Passthat87

    Does this look male?

    its still in veg, only a month and a half.
  3. Passthat87

    Does this look male?

    These are my plant do they look male? what is that bump?
  4. Passthat87

    Does this look like a female?

    im about a month a a half into my grow and was wondering if this looks like its a female
  5. Passthat87

    Taking mushrooms alone?

    nah dont take only 1 gram u need at least a half 1/8 so do it up and go balls to the wall
  6. Passthat87

    Music to my plants?

    Will playing music to my plants make them happier ive heard this. Someone tell me if theyve ever tried this and if it works
  7. Passthat87


    thanks man
  8. Passthat87

    The hairs are changing color!?!?

    im pretty sure that means your almost ready to harvest how long have u been flowering for?
  9. Passthat87

    Big Bud Grow from seed: day 44 aeroponics

    nice grow your plants are looking very nice
  10. Passthat87


    Is adding blue LEDs during vegetative stage and red during flowering an affective way of supplementing light? has anyone used LEDs before and if so how was your experience with them
  11. Passthat87

    Trimming Leaves

    If there is new growth that is small under a large fan leaf on a plant that is a few weeks old should i trim the larger fan leaf to allow light to get to the newer growth beneath?
  12. Passthat87

    ICE Plant (PiCS)

    only CFLs huh? they look pretty far away
  13. Passthat87

    Dry Ice

    yeah my friend had a bunch so i was thinkin about leavin a cup of it in there for a while
  14. Passthat87

    Dry Ice

    Will putting dry ice and water in a cup in your grow room be a good idea to create CO2 for the plants
  15. Passthat87

    Nutes vs Water

    anyone ever use osmocote plant food and if so is it good for pot plants
  16. Passthat87

    Nutes vs Water

    what type of nutrients do u suggest ?
  17. Passthat87

    Nutes vs Water

    Is it possible to grow healthy plants just using distilled water or are nutrients a necessary part of the grow?
  18. Passthat87

    .::My Micro Cfl Grow 12/12 From Seed::.

    i get my dro at $240\O
  19. Passthat87

    Purple stems

    my plants are about a week and a half old and the stems are purple anyone know why this may happen i used bagseeds
  20. Passthat87

    What kind of nutes do u suggest??

    how bout ozmocote plant food?