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  1. minimojoman

    3 weeks and 2 days old, opinions?

    so these have been vegging for a while now do you think they are ready to flower now? And if so what do you think the possible yield is per plant? Is at least a oz per plant do-able with this size plant? I believe the main stem in some of these plants are about 6-7inches long, pretty thick, and...
  2. minimojoman

    Using Fertilizer????

    umm, in the soil bro :-D
  3. minimojoman

    how's it lookin

    looks fantabulous man, just bring the lights closer, then put ur hand between the light and your plant and make sure its not hot.. get a fan and direct it towards your plant, make it wiggle.. do NOT overwater it, water only when the soils is DRY a couple inches down. :-D EDIT: BTW Lumens DO...
  4. minimojoman

    Hey guys....i need a lil help please!

    flora nova has what npk rating?? ?-?-? sounds like its for flowering.. yer flowering? temps and humidity are good?? should be round 78 degrees and over over 40% humidity for vegging and under 30% humidity for flowering.
  5. minimojoman

    Hey guys....i need a lil help please!

    well i would give them a light dose of a nute with nitrogen in them.. or just start feeding them 1stp of fox farm big grow per gallon of hydro solution u made.. wherever your reservoir is.. im assuming your pumping them?? what medium are you using?? and how often do you feed them?? and what...
  6. minimojoman

    Hey guys....i need a lil help please!

    its your decision do what you think its right, im just saying what I did, and that was once they got really yellow or dry or nasty looking with purple stems I chopped em off right near the main stem which a razor blade. This was before I knew it was a nitrogen def. Then I watered a day later...
  7. minimojoman

    Hey guys....i need a lil help please!

    i mean the look pretty good! only if you have lights near those bottom leaves would I call it heat burn. As for the red stems and brown spots, my lower leaves were also accompanied by yellowing shortly after.. if they do that, id have to say nitrogen deficiency (not enuff) based on what ive...
  8. minimojoman

    Hey guys....i need a lil help please!

    hmm looks like heat, possibly have the lights too close?? id give it a day or two, back the lights off, see what the leaves do. are these middle leaves?? upper or lower???
  9. minimojoman

    Hey guys....i need a lil help please!

    ok so then just nute earlier.. :-D
  10. minimojoman

    whats better for a closet?

    I get x3 plug sockets, and put 3 cfls in a power strip, then I put two screws in the wall and hang the power cord horizontally. the three bulbs can hover perfectly over a plant. :-D just a suggestion.
  11. minimojoman

    Hey guys....i need a lil help please!

    well like I said, for me it happened because I was using crappy soil that most of its nutrients ripped out of it already... i havent tried my FF ocean forest soil yet, but from what ive heard, its absolutely wonderful, so I cant wait to see the lil buggers grow in the FF soil! :-D Better...
  12. minimojoman

    whats better for a closet?

    for a closet??? It depends on what you can do, if you can vent the air properly id say go with the HPS, I am battling that same decision. I think the hps might win depending on how my first yield goes. right now im using about 300 watts of CFL's... 20 days old, vegging
  13. minimojoman

    Am I Growing Right?

    tin foil should be replaced with something a little better, like mylar.. what kind of soil are you using?? I started with outdoor soil, and a small 6inch pot, my plants ran out of nutrients and got rootbound in less than 3 weeks.. i watered plain tap water (which is well water) for 2 1/2 weeks...
  14. minimojoman

    Hey guys....i need a lil help please!

    your pics are incredibly hard to see, but if I can elaborate on a similar problem... mine started with the brown spots you stated, only on the lowest leaves... the leaves were dryer and papery feeling to the touch... they steadily got worse day after day... new growth was unaffected... my...
  15. minimojoman

    Mylar Types

    wait... how did u figure a bag of chips has mylar on the inside of it?? ive never heard that... :-D no offense, just wondering.. hehe
  16. minimojoman

    Day 10, from sprout (pics)

    ok apparantly they were rootbound, after posting in the plant problems, I got some answers... anyhow I just transplanted them into bigger containers, and gave them a shot of 1/5 strength nutes after a couple days... they are awesome, growing about an inch a day or so..... I started the LST and...
  17. minimojoman

    Mylar Types

    i think the silver one reflects a little better... but IMO its prolly not that significant of a difference, if in fact both those are mylar... a bag of chips?!?!! its not that expensive to buy.. i bought four rolls for like 25$..
  18. minimojoman


    stress??? autoflowering??? preflowers??
  19. minimojoman

    Do these need food?!

    do i need to add perlite to the FF Ocean Forest soil?? or is it like good to go?? If I do, ive only got MG Perlite, so im not too sure if thats cool to use, but i assume it will be alright since its already in my "dirt". :-D
  20. minimojoman

    Do these need food?!

    o i love your post, thanks.... hahah yea it is dirt I guess, i picked up a bag of ocean forest the other day, and uhhh im kinda worried to transplant them again, I just did not even a week ago, so doing it again so soon wouldnt be very good.. im going to keep the soil for the next batch I do...