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  1. budanddecks

    when i turn my fans on the temp drops loads, what do i do?

    just found a thermometer in the shed, il give it 10 mins to see the temp
  2. budanddecks

    when i turn my fans on the temp drops loads, what do i do?

    it feels cold tho, whats the lowest i should let it get? ill pick up a thermometer tomoro
  3. budanddecks

    how strong is the smell if growing outside?

    i have checked in to it and i am old enouth to be charged my self and as i only have 4 plants inside i can only be warned. this is in england. dont wory i have seriously consider the whole thing. i have only told about 5 people what i am doing
  4. budanddecks

    how strong is the smell if growing outside?

    thanks for the save
  5. budanddecks

    when i turn my fans on the temp drops loads, what do i do?

    i stood on my thermometer 2 days befor i put the fans in. it feels cold tho, colder then the rest of the room
  6. budanddecks

    how strong is the smell if growing outside?

    im 18 and trust me i am old enouth. whats that got to do with it any way?. just trying to make a bit of money and just thought i could get away with a few out side. there are only houses on one side of the place, the other side is fields. i am not growing in my perents house tho, its in the...
  7. budanddecks

    when i turn my fans on the temp drops loads, what do i do?

    when i turn my fans on its take my heat with it. are my fans over doing it? its only 3 computer fans .1 in. 1 out and one just to move air in the box i have 4 26w cfl which make the box quite warm when theres not fans on how can i keep air flow and the temp up?
  8. budanddecks

    how strong is the smell if growing outside?
  9. budanddecks

    how strong is the smell if growing outside?

    well i live in my garage which is seprate from the house which is great for indoor growing, i have two grow room in side my room and my mum and dad are no the wiser :) but i was going to tell them about the outside ones. i live ont the corrner of a T shaped road. the biggest proplem is that...
  10. budanddecks

    stright cfl V's spiral cfls ?

    in england the strights are slighty cheeper. the stright ones go to higher watts as well $60 for one light? what watt are they?
  11. budanddecks

    how strong is the smell if growing outside?

    so it smells then. i live in quite a quiet area so i should not be a mayja problem, but is the smell one that some one not used to or doest knows the smell of weed , would pick up on as a strange smell and might start snoping around to find out what it is?
  12. budanddecks

    stright cfl V's spiral cfls ?

    a lot of websites (non-growing related) say that the stright style bulbs give of more light than the spiral ones yet every one seems to use them over the stright ones? the glass is ment to be thicker to get them to curl in to tight spirals but as the stright ones are just stright they can be...
  13. budanddecks

    Cheap Cfls for the uk

    supermarkets they have 18w ones for like 20p each! its part of all the energy saving stuff that they have made them so cheep so every one will buy them tho there only 18w if you look round you might find some higher watt onces or just by twice the amount
  14. budanddecks

    how strong is the smell if growing outside?

    how strong is the smell if growing outside ? does the depend on what type u grow?
  15. budanddecks

    which side of the tin foil? or just white paper?

    which side of the tin foil should i be using? or just white paper? i have a 80x100x30 (HxLxD) room with 4 26w cfl
  16. budanddecks

    1st Grow - cabinet, bagseed, cfls

    great great use of space. just built my first grow room and its just a bit bigger than yours but i have the same lighting set up and computer style fans and will deff give bending them round a go. great work