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  1. Miniweed94

    HERMIE?? Or... Calyxs?

    Thanks! I check my EC, ph and water levels twice a day and adjust accordingly. Conditions have been well maintained throughout its life. Its ran on the cooler side of 70-75 degrees, with 66 to 68 at night. When I flowered it, it was roughly 18in tall and bushy (attached photo) The mars hydro...
  2. Miniweed94

    HERMIE?? Or... Calyxs?

    Makes sense completely, essentially of this were to bud and had seeds and you were to grow those seeds, this would basically be the result. Curious if I were to pluck all the sacs if it would still bud nicely as long as i pulled them before pollen dropped.
  3. Miniweed94

    HERMIE?? Or... Calyxs?

    My conditions have been pretty damn spot on throughout the life of the plant, I would assume I just got unlucky with the seed. Have some feminized seeds for the next run, hopefully they will work out. Now, I have read thing saying if there is a hard green ball inside it is a hermie, is that...
  4. Miniweed94

    HERMIE?? Or... Calyxs?

    It was just bagseed, practice for my first run in over 10yrs, so it being a hermie isn't a huge surprise. I think I'll just let it go and see what happens, I'm seeing some of these popping pistils, that's why it's confusing. I'd chop it down if I had several other fems
  5. Miniweed94

    HERMIE?? Or... Calyxs?

    But do male pollen sacs sit close the the stem, of I'm not mistaken do they hang out and dangle before they release pollen
  6. Miniweed94

    HERMIE?? Or... Calyxs?

    1st and 2nd photo you can see the cluster I'm referring to, as a few to the right of the cluste have pistils
  7. Miniweed94

    HERMIE?? Or... Calyxs?

    This is week 2 of flowering. Plant is extremely healthy. DWC Hydroponic, Jack's 321, 5.8-6.2 ph, with 50%RH. I've noticed these sacs? Or, calyxs? Completely unsure, but it seems that some of them are popping hairs. Wait it out, or should I pluck em? 1 plant by itself. Here are some photos.