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  1. snipeboomyurded

    Damn! Free seeds is the bomb dude. I'll take some off your hands for you... lol. Seriously though, you wanna sell me some?
  2. snipeboomyurded

    My first CFL grow

    I guess its not too bad, but you will need even more light than the 2 bulbs for flowering. I have 6 bulbs on 2 plants and they just passed 2 weeks old. Both plants are about a foot tall but over a foot across, very bushy. Good luck with the grow
  3. snipeboomyurded

    2 weeks into my first grow

    Honestly they look a little small for 2 weeks... One of my plants just hit 2 weeks yesterday and its about twice as big as the plant in the red pot. Mine are under 6 100w equivalent 6500k cfls.
  4. snipeboomyurded

    CFL 1st time Grow Feedback Welcome!

    Hey man, I started my cfl grow about 2 weeks ago. One plant is 5 days younger than the other, but plant A (the older one) is now 9.5" from leaf tip to leaf tip. Its about 3" tall, so its really short and bushy. I will post pics for you, but I figured Id just wish you a good luck!
  5. snipeboomyurded

    My First Grow with cfl's

    I'd link u, but my camera got stolen on the way back from hawaii a couple weeks ago and I dont have a camera to post pics. No fun... I will get pics for you though with my old camera to show some progress.
  6. snipeboomyurded

    Grow Journal: Hindu Kush - CFL

    Lookin good man
  7. snipeboomyurded

    My First Grow with cfl's

    Nice grow man, we are right about on time with eachother, kind of at least. I planted mine 12 days ago and they are over 9 inches across from leaf tip to leaf tip. Im using 6 6500k cfls, 120w equivalents, and Im in a rubbermaid setup like that but with flat white paint instead of mylar. Good...
  8. snipeboomyurded

    Save your seeds!!!!

    Im totally in on this. Ill save whatever seeds I get from my plants too.
  9. snipeboomyurded

    my first grow box

    Cardboard=no good. Thats from what I hear at least. I tried cardboard and it got soggy and didnt do well with heat either. Im using rubbermaid bins now and its going much better.