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  1. F

    trimming lower branches/nodes to promote bigger/faster cola growth?

    thanks man! anything helps me now. hoping to get some photos up soon and let you know what i'm working with.
  2. F

    trimming lower branches/nodes to promote bigger/faster cola growth?

    single cola plants for now. but i also have some power skunk in veg and i was also wondering about lollipoppin as well. i need to hear some pros and cons.
  3. F

    trimming lower branches/nodes to promote bigger/faster cola growth?

    yeah. im deff. looking for bigger chunkier buds. popcorn buds are usually hash or brownies for me.
  4. F

    trimming lower branches/nodes to promote bigger/faster cola growth?

    thanks man. very helpful. thats exactly what i was thinking i just needed a little reassurance.
  5. F

    New Here

    looking great man. and very ready for flowering, they flourish greatly so be prepared. i too am new here. im waiting to put some photos up soon.
  6. F

    New here and wanted to share my progress. Enjoy

    very nice! and yeah they are going to flourish. so be prepared. looking great though.
  7. F

    trimming lower branches/nodes to promote bigger/faster cola growth?

    a friend of mine that grows ak-47/48 with amazing results suggested that i trim the lower branches of my plants so it wouldn't have to work as hard on them and cola growth. does anyone have any input? good or bad advice?
  8. F

    First cfl grow full grow recorded(pics)

    dude seriously, you need to move it out of your house for any kind of inspection. they will survive. and as for the soil, it sounds great, more organic, the better. your doin great.
  9. F

    inward upcurling and burning tips 3 weeks into flowering HELP.

    i have flushed the soil. and tried lowering and raising the doseage of FF tiger bloom i give that plant. and also transplanted into fresh soil.
  10. F

    inward upcurling and burning tips 3 weeks into flowering HELP.

    i have in my flowering closet 2 mother plants. both undefined indica/sativa hybrids (70%-30%). i have one that is flourishing beautifully, with tons of thick pistols, and nice resin coverd calyxs. but my secon plant in the closet has pretty much stopped growth and the sides of the leaves have...
  11. F

    Sign of underwatering?

    you know when to water when the first 1/2 inch of soil is completely dry.
  12. F

    Organic nutes?

    any fox farms will go good with auto flowering. FF tiger bloom big bloom or beastly bloom
  13. F

    CFL yield?

    i understand it depends on strain type and amount of lighting, but with cfl's providing the correct amount of lumens how would you say it compares percentage wise to hps?
  14. F

    3 weeks into flowering, fan leaves and some smaller leaves curling upwards. HELP!

    ok so, in my flowering closet i have two mother undefined indica/sativa (70%-30%) plants. one of wich is doing incredibly good. flourishing beautifully, real thick pistols and resin covers leaves. while the plant next to it has stopped growth, and has and upward incurl on fan leaves and some...
  15. F

    3 weeks into flowering, fan leaves and some smaller leaves curling upwards. HELP!

    ok so, in my flowering closet i have two mother undefined indica/sativa (70%-30%) plants. one of wich is doing incredibly good. flourishing beautifully, real thick pistols and resin covers leaves. while the plant next to it has stopped growth, and has and upward incurl on fan leaves and some...
  16. F

    First grow

    looking great! for veg what you are using is just fine. cfl's will make vegg process alot easier and alot cheaper. you will need to up the ante a little when moved into flowering thought. but you are doing great looking good.
  17. F

    First cfl grow full grow recorded(pics)

    soil is much easier than hydro by far!!!! less chemicals wich results in chunkier, more dense buds, with strong aromas. hydroponics has created some of the best cannbis ever but it will never come close to the taste, smell, or aroma of soil, or organics.
  18. F

    First cfl grow full grow recorded(pics)

    use foxfarm ocean forest soil. and foxfarm big bloom, and tiger bloom nutes. little more expensive, but will work miracles for you.