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  1. GenghisKrhan

    Counting the days of flowering

    Do you count the days of flowering from the time you change the light cycle, or from the time you see bud developing?
  2. GenghisKrhan

    Glass cover on hood

    Definitely. SOunded ridiculous to me. Thanks man
  3. GenghisKrhan

    Glass cover on hood

    Guy at the local grow store told me that people tend to leave the glass cover under the hood off as to allow more light energy. This doesnt seem to make much sense, no? Plus how often do any of you remove the glass to clean the dust?
  4. GenghisKrhan

    Soil grow in net pots

    looks like i'm alone on this one.
  5. GenghisKrhan

    Soil grow in net pots

    Hello all. New here. I posted this question in "indoor growing" sub forum but received no responses. Currently I'm running a soil only grow. I am experimenting with using 10 inch net pots over 5 gallon paint buckets with holes drilled in the side of the buckets for aeration to the...
  6. GenghisKrhan

    Soil grow in net pots

  7. GenghisKrhan

    Genetic Engenering

    forget GM cannabis. If you want to get mad stoned as if you were smoking GM cannabis then just get synthetic cannabinoids..... JWH-018 and JWH-025. often for sale as bonzai plant food.
  8. GenghisKrhan

    Soil grow in net pots

    Hello all. New here. Currently I'm running a soil only grow. I am experimenting with using 10 inch net pots over 5 gallon paint buckets with holes drilled in the side of the buckets for aeration to the underside of the soil plug. My theory is that I can allow more oxygen and other gases to...