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  1. G

    First grow - 6 autoflowers. Advise?

    End of week 3. LST started
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    First grow - 6 autoflowers. Advise?

    Alright @TheDifferenceX thanks for being helpful
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    First grow - 6 autoflowers. Advise?

    Okay thanks bro! im sure im overwatering a bit tommorow i wont water because ive been giving 1L in total every morning for a couple days. And when should i add my slow releasing fertilizer biotabs?
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    First grow - 6 autoflowers. Advise?

    Day 14 from seed. plants looking alright but second pic looks very different from the others like a normal plant, not growing the two extra leaves on the sides of second set of leaves And third pic is dropping??
  5. G

    2 quick questions

    1. My 6 autoflower seedlings are 8 days old from planting (4-5 from sprout) under 20/4 250w hps. When should i switch to 400w and 600w? 2. I use biotabs starterkit when should i put the tabs in the soil and water with bactrex?
  6. G

    Biotabs help

    My autos are now 8 days old. As biotabs guide only shows what to do when transplanting not growing in final pot i got confused and just put some mycotrex in the seed hole and top dressed a bit. Now when should i use the biotabs and bactrex??
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    First grow - 6 autoflowers. Advise?

    Day 8 from seed . All looking but tall starting to show second set of true leaves. 40cm from 250w hps watering lightly twice a day because the soil dries out really quick (not from heat the hps light is barely hot) . 24 celcius. 40% Humidity. when should i add my bio tabs and additional...
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    First grow - 6 autoflowers. Advise?

    Ill give it a look now thx!
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    First grow - 6 autoflowers. Advise?

    @Just Be thanks!! Will the roots collide?
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    First grow - 6 autoflowers. Advise?

    I accidentally planted 2 seeds in the same pot because i was high and forgot i put the first one, which one should i remove and can i transplant on of them
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    First grow - 6 autoflowers. Advise?

    Day 4 from seed. Sprouted yesterday
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    First grow - 6 autoflowers. Advise?

    They say i can use lights, what u think
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    How to properly use a humidity dome?

    This isnt clones, ishould remove the domes? My humidity is 39% but i know the domes also slows the water drying.
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    First grow - 6 autoflowers. Advise?

    Im gonna change it if it becomes a problem, but what should i do now let it stay ik dark and what temp?
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    First grow - 6 autoflowers. Advise?

    What temperature is do you prefer? And should it be dark
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    First grow - 6 autoflowers. Advise?

    Day 1 Seed straight into soil for germination. 250W light. Fan 1/3. How much should i water???
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    Germinating seed in soil

    Close to 100% germination rate? And u put something over it till it sprouts? Thanks my man
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    Germinating seed in soil

    Hi I am starting my first grow with autos, i am wondering if its best to germinate the seeds in a paper towel or just put them straight into my biobizz light soil with a cut bottle for humidity till it sprouts? Ps im growing organic
  19. G

    Biotabs help

    Thanks alot. Where this with autos aswell?
  20. G

    Biotabs help

    Hi So im starting my first grom with organic biotabs starterkit. I am growing 6 autos in 11L pots. The kit says its for 5 - 10 plants, it consists of 10 tabs and says to use 2 for 10L pots = 5x 10L pots And consists of 250gr startex and they advise 50g startrex pr 10L = 5x 10L pots So the...