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  1. calvert60@

    Bud rot or gnarled buds?

    My opinion differs from the post above. That is mould, yes. Will it hurt you? I am not a lab tech or doctor. Would I smoke something that had mould In it? No.
  2. calvert60@

    F56 ... how long until harvest? looking at the pics . I think at least 2 weeks maybe 3 I’m gonna start flushing in like a week. It’s my firstgro

    I would say it’s preference on flushing. My coco plants are still 100% green at the end. I only flush for a couple days, as I don’t see a difference from a week to 2 or 3 days. Remember this is coco, I don’t want the “to flush or not to flush” debate lol But to answer the original question...
  3. calvert60@

    Tahoe OG, 4 kings and sugar breath.

    So here we are 4 days later. The girls have got to the point I will put them under the 1000’s and start pounding them with co2. You can see where they were at the top of my first post. This would be 28 days since planted in coco from the cloner. I’m not sure why my pics are sideways this time...
  4. calvert60@

    HELP! What is going on with these plants?

    I have seen too much cal/mag lock out iron uptake. But that first pic looks very intense. I have also seen some pants mimic deficiencies with light stress.
  5. calvert60@

    Really bright, plants love ts1000. produced lots of very nice buds

    Looks great!! Let us know what the final yield is.
  6. calvert60@

    What are these?

    Look like aphids to me.
  7. calvert60@

    Turning hermie!! Harvest now or no??

    I would ride it out as well. This late in the game, I would rather a few seeds with fully ripe buds. But that is my opinion of course.
  8. calvert60@

    Dark leaves

    I have ran coco for a long time. If you have any issues hit me up. I love coco, wouldn’t change back to anything else. Well maybe RDWC again, but in my opinion, for me it’s coco all the way. your doing great for your first time.
  9. calvert60@

    Dark leaves

    They look a little dark in the first pic. But overall they look healthy. When I started running coco years ago I noticed my plants were darker and didn’t yellow at the end of flowering even when I flushed for 2 weeks (Which is very long in coco). I wouldn’t worry about it, they aren’t getting...
  10. calvert60@

    First Grow - How is it looking?

    Some strains will handle higher humidity and are more resistant to mould. They can usually handle the humidity outside because it is open and the wind can flow through easily. You have to remember , we still get mould on the outdoor plants too. I don’t think I have gone a year without a little...
  11. calvert60@

    How about now? And what about this? : A question about harvesting and more

    Without a loop you can’t pin point exactly. But he means go by the hairs. You want 75 plus percent to be brown and they will start receding into the calyx (pod) and they will swell. This is strain dependent though, that’s why the loop is the best. though the first pic looks closer to done than...
  12. calvert60@

    Yellow Fan Leaves

    If your chopping in a week, I wouldn’t bother with nutes. I think you will be fine.
  13. calvert60@

    Help diagnosing.

    How big is the pot? I grow in coco so I may be wrong. I thought “soil” should be more in the 7ph range and a “soilless mix” would be where your at with ph. Again, I am not up on the biobizz soil or what it consists of. Some soilless mixes like sunshine and pro mixes have a charge in them. Or...
  14. calvert60@

    Tahoe OG, 4 kings and sugar breath.

    What’s going on RIU!! finally decided to start a grow journal. My expectation from this, is to end the grow with more knowledge and to help the community as much as possible. This is not my first grow, but is my first showing it. Please understand I am getting used to uploading pics etc. Also...