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    Reading ph test strips

    directions say dunk in water hold horizontal for fifteen seconds. i do that. after fifteen seconds my ph reads 6.8 but after about a minute or two it reads over 8! explain! thank you
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    possible to not feed a plant during flowering?

    Im using mg potting soil and i swear im about to kill this plant just cause its driving me out of my mind. it looks nitrogen def but I cant feed it anything! as soon as i feed it 1/4 of any kind of feed half the fan leaves burn up. they are yellow and dying then i try to save what i have left of...
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    where do i get cal mag?

    can i get it at lowes or wall mart or home depot?
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    how do you re-veg a clone taken from a flowering plant?

    the ones that looked like they stopped growing have preflowers still and stem has stiffened up like a plants branch in flowering.
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    how do you re-veg a clone taken from a flowering plant?

    just asking cause the grow bible said you had to clip the calyxes off or preflowers off i think while returning it to veg. i thought that was kinda weird. the clones i took from late flowering rooted but they dont seem to be growing like the ones i took from early flowering
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    how do you re-veg a clone taken from a flowering plant?

    just set the lights at 20/4? anything else? thank you SS P.S. I love large women
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    DO i need a heating pad for clones?

    its 90 plus degrees outside till october. do i need a heating pad? seems like it would fry them it makes it so fucking hot in the clone box!
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    how often do you feed your plants during flowering?

    at what strength? sativa or indica?
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    can you flower a clone in a party cup of soil?

    is it all hydroponics in party cups or can you use soil?
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    foliage feeding

    anyone do it during flowering? I got a sativa that hates nutrients. it burns super easily
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    recommended lights for a 2'x6'x6' cabinet?

    Hps lights only thank you. need them cool tube too cause its get fucking hot here. wattage?????
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    co2 from candles??

    my co2 meter will reach 1500 to 2500 above a standard candle. Gas or propane makes it go off the charts though.
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    Diagnose my plant! Pictures inside!

    yup fan leaves all burnt up. now its half way up the small leaves. thanks guys
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    Sativa in my bagseed grow

    So its my first grow. one is mostly a sativa. the six main colas at top just wont stop growing! its the fifth week of flower. My question is the main colas dont have pistils on the very top. why is that? something wrong? looks like its gonna take forever to fill out
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    Diagnose my plant! Pictures inside!

    fifth week of flowering. It just had nute lock cause my ph was so high. most of the fan leaves have already died. phosophorous deficiency?
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    How do you start a lst?

    can you bend the whole plant over like a low super cropping right above the soil?
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    does it yield more in the end or just for looks? when ever i see a lst it looks like it has tiny buds.
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    My fan leaves are yellow!

    nope they are already in huge pots
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    Plant shock. What to do?

    Looks like I over watered my exodus cheese. its leaves are drooping. I watered all the party cups the same but the only one that got shocked was the cheese. everything else is standing at attention. its been three days and they are still drooping. How do i make it snap out of it! my ph is in...
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    Soil from Walmart?

    what is good soil I can buy from walmart? I just want good dirt! Im using miracle grow potting soil right now. =)