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  1. L

    First GrowBox - First Planta (Sugestions - Help)

    Hello Guys, PEACE! She is with 8 Weeks NOW, I Give up the ideo of Cloning this one, because I'm not sure if its a female. So now i will buy some seed from the internet and try cloning them. Never checked the Ph, because i dont have the Tool yet (short on money :/ ) but i think she is doing...
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    First GrowBox - First Planta (Sugestions - Help)

    Hey Kevin, thanks alot for the help man. NExt time I will make a soil like you told. I planning on putting her at the same place, just change the light, ( i have the other one ) and the time ( 12/12 ) Right ??? Here how she looks TODAY Thanks for the HELP, hope the female To start Clonning!
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    First GrowBox - First Planta (Sugestions - Help)

    Hey Kevin, PEACE MAN, you are helping me alot! Know Everything!!! I just bought some EWC and put with the bio-GRow on the last time I feed HER she is growing up GOOG now! This is the soil that i bought in the store, hope it helps you Here is the FERT im using And the PLANT : Im...
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    First GrowBox - First Planta (Sugestions - Help)

    Hello Guys, Thanks Kenvin and Mommasmoke for the support, you guys are helping me out ALOT!! Just put a fan inside the GROW, on the bottom part, the air is going right to the plant, is that right?? The soil is 60% Of that soil that you buy in the store, and 40% of the white little stones...
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    First GrowBox - First Planta (Sugestions - Help)

    Hey Kevin, Thanks Again for the support, i hope you are right, today she is looking better. I hope i dont have to use other stuff, cause i'm only flushing her with de BIO-GROW fert. No idea of the PH of the soil or the watering solution, but soon I will get the equipment. Here is the image...
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    First GrowBox - First Planta (Sugestions - Help)

    here is the image of the leaf
  7. L

    First GrowBox - First Planta (Sugestions - Help)

    Hello People, I transplant my plant to a BIGGER POT, and i CUT the top, did it like 4 days AGO and flush with only water, yesterday i put 1ml of BIOGROW. But the plant is "down" and the bottom leafs are Yeallow, ANYONE CAN HELP ME?!
  8. L

    First GrowBox - First Planta (Sugestions - Help)

    hey Guys, Happy news year to everybody!!! My plant is 1 month OLD! Hope she is doing fine, today i will chance the POT to a bigger one and CUT the TOP! I will send some pictures Latter!! Bye!
  9. L

    First GrowBox - First Planta (Sugestions - Help)

    Hey guys, Just changed to the bigger GROW! I hope i made it right, now i will need a small fan to put on thw bottom right? I put the lamp like 50 CM from the plat, i hope its not too hoT! Didnt have too much DUTE so i had to put the "exaustor" on the top trowhing the air outside and...
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    First GrowBox - First Planta (Sugestions - Help)

    Hey guys, Really apreciated the replyes. Tropical, after i transfer her to the bigger pot, ( i donno if this is what you asked but..) I FEed her with 1ml of Bio-Grow from Biobizz. I have the ALG one too i donno if i can feed her with that too what do you think? KEvin, ty alot i've learned a...
  11. L

    First GrowBox - First Planta (Sugestions - Help)

    Peace brothers, This is my first time in the forum and I want to share with you guys my experience with indoor growing. I made this small grow from a trash box, put 2 PC coolers on the bottom TOP, and another Front Down. I got this seed from a friend ( White Widow ) and now she ( I HOPE )...