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  1. kristus015

    First grow, Rainforest 66, Secret Jardin

    On Sunday (the 12th) I noticed more leaf tips burning and spots started to form on several leaves so I decided to drain the reservoir and refill with PH balanced water. I will leave it like that until tonight or tomorrow. So far I haven't noticed any further damage to the plants. The only...
  2. kristus015

    Light Problemas

    I would also check all of your contacts. Is the contact between the bulb and the socket corroded or loose? That could cause the dimming you are talking about. Is there a spring loaded contact point in the socket? If so does it look like its sitting high enough to make proper contact all of...
  3. kristus015

    First grow, Rainforest 66, Secret Jardin

    I actually sent email468 a link to this thread today. One problem that I noticed after posting my last pictures is that some of the leaf tips are turning brown. Some worse than others. I took a couple of pictures of the worse ones, but they are kind of blurry. You can still see the brown...
  4. kristus015

    First grow, Rainforest 66, Secret Jardin

    Today I see that the leaves of plant 2 are starting to curl noticeably. Perhaps this is a Mg deficiency? DAY 11 VEG - 6.14.08 ================ Ambient Temp = 75.9 Tent Temp = 78.6 Humidity = 58% Original PH = 6.0 Adjusted PH = not adjusted PPM = 460 Plants 1-6 in order below:
  5. kristus015

    Buying Weed Off Ebay!! say that its possible to get away with it, but I see a fatal flaw in this idea. All it takes is 1 person who wasn't happy whether it be quality or even shipping time. That person would run and tell eBay just to get you in trouble, or they would try to extort you. Extortion is a...
  6. kristus015

    First grow, Rainforest 66, Secret Jardin

    If you havent noticed by now some of the plants are having some slow growth while a few are having rapid growth. The yellowing on plant 3 is still there, but no other plants have the yellowing to this degree. Several of the plants have a slight yellow tint on the tips of the leaves, but its...
  7. kristus015

    Buying Weed Off Ebay!!

    Check this out. Three men tried to sell 500 pounds of pot on ebay back in '99. Here is the link to a news article about it. eBay auction goes up in smoke - CNET
  8. kristus015

    Plant look good?

    Looks great to me! How far along is it?
  9. kristus015

    First grow, Rainforest 66, Secret Jardin

    I have a new set of pictures taken today. Last night I noticed that the PH in the reservoir was sitting at 6.6 from the 5.9 I had it at originally. I think this may have had a part in the yellowing of some plants. I brought it back down to 6.0, and today at about 12:00pm I checked it again on...
  10. kristus015

    First grow, Rainforest 66, Secret Jardin

    I love the secret jardin so far. Everything about my setup was based on various different things I saw recommended on RIU. I specifically got the rainforest based on a thread started by email468 where he used a rainforest 66. I realize that its going to be difficult growing 6 plants to...
  11. kristus015

    First grow, Rainforest 66, Secret Jardin

    The seeds that are in the Rainforest right now is just regular bagseed. The other seeds (WW, Ice, Crystal) came from, but they aren't being used for the first round just in case I mess something up due to lack of knowledge. The rainforest was pretty easy to start. It...
  12. kristus015

    First grow, Rainforest 66, Secret Jardin

    This is my first official grow. I aquired some WW, Ice and Crystal seeds, but decided to go with bagseed for my first attempt. The setup is as follows: Secret Jardin DR120 (grow tent) 600w MH/HPS light w/ digital ballast Rainforest 66 aeroponics system General Hydroponics standard 3 part...