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  1. grossgumshoe

    Holy @#$%

    JUST BURY IT IN THE DIRT OUTSIDE, you got like another 6 hours or something, thats plenty long enough to dig a big ass hole!! btw... how do you know its gettin raided?
  2. grossgumshoe

    venting 400W hps in a 2x3' closet

    i would get a cool tube ($80-$90 on the internet) and some ducting. it look funky as hell but, you could vent the cool tube to a window or something, that should work
  3. grossgumshoe


    also if you really consider where that whol "God Damn America" thing came from.... try to think about what it would be like if you got fire hoses turned on you when you tried to get voting rights, or piss in the same bathroom as someone who was white. I mean all Americans have "certain...
  4. grossgumshoe


    obama not wearing a flag doesn't have to do with his stance on anything except his stance on not being a part of the Fucked up situation of politics in this country. if you've noticed he's also not taking money from lobyists which is another longstanding political tradition in this country...
  5. grossgumshoe

    Holy @#$%

    flush it or bury it in the dirt dude.... bury it in the dirt! take it outside and bury it in the dirt!!!!!
  6. grossgumshoe

    Not Guilty

    Stealin cars is totally super-lame. i bet you'de be way pissed if somebody stole your car.... think about. dont steal from people steal from evil corporations
  7. grossgumshoe

    tempature issue

    my plants hit like 97F on a regular basis, they're ok i know its gonna get the yield but, at the moment i have few other options. those things will grow in super harsh conditions, just not as good as they could. try and find a way to deal with it, but they aren't gonna die at those temps.
  8. grossgumshoe

    secrecy and risk assessment

    offer 'em some money if you're plannin to sell... offer 'em some money if you're not. but if you think you can pull off a super-stealth-excuse-grow, than go for it. get you some kind of good carbon filter and grow hydro, just tell 'em you're on some fit kick and thats why you're taking all the...
  9. grossgumshoe

    Check This Setup!!!! Feedback..!!

    start saving now and get a 600 watt hps (and ballast) for flower, it should cover 6 plants. you'll be happy you saved that money for sure.
  10. grossgumshoe

    Is There An Afterlife?

    we are just a buncha smart monkeys. too smart for our own monkey good. we're smart enough to understand that there is more going on than what we see (physics, biology etc..) and that "something more than we can see" is often (mistakenly) presumed to be a soul or spirit. there is no afterlife...
  11. grossgumshoe

    effects of cutting off a few fan leaves late in flowering

    i heard that you don't want to do any pruning after abouth the second week of flowering... i guess it will shock the plant some and keep your buds from getting as dense as they could. you could try zipties to hold the big leaves down, or otherwise bind them somehow (just a thought)
  12. grossgumshoe

    Shroom Growing

    my advice is to watch that youtube video, and do everything yourself... i paid way too much money for stuff that didn't work right, but it did work when i did it all myself (much more rewarding also). its easy check out Shroomery - Magic Mushrooms (Shrooms) Demystified its got all the info...
  13. grossgumshoe

    DWC/Bubbleponic Skepticism

    let me start off with saying that i am in no way an expert, im on my first grow, its a dwc. i haven't had any root rot problems. i have 2 little fishtank pumps, and one dual valve 75 gallon fishtank pump, all hooked up into a gang valve and out to four airstones in a 15 gallon tote. it works...
  14. grossgumshoe

    DYI carbon filter for PC fan (theory) [Need criticism]

    i heard on here somewhere that you can get like air filter screens with carbon in them at like home depot for like $10. you could go get one of those and cut it into little squares that fit over the exhaust fan on either the inside or the outside, you know you could layer it up or whatever...
  15. grossgumshoe

    (PICTURES)halfway threw flowering first female, droopy leaves

    now i'm no expert, everything i know i came from here! i got a dwc thing goin, and my ph got up to about 8 for a day or to and it was no good. my leaves turned yellow, some dried up and fell of complely. i put in regular tapwater (ph of about 6-6.5) and my problems cured right up! don't know if...
  16. grossgumshoe

    5 weeksin to veg start 12/12 ?

    i vegged for 5 weeks, i'm in the second day of flower. I'm just gonna let 'em bud out... bud out dude!!!
  17. grossgumshoe

    Need help or suggestions - 2 plants/2weeks into flowering and they are monsters! help

    i agree withtthese guys, LST dude! i am on my first grow in a 2x2x2 box, and LST is the only reason that it is working. i just take a piece of kite string and tie it loosly around the top of the main stem (to give it room to grow) about two or so nodes down, gently bend the stalk, and tie it...
  18. grossgumshoe

    how do my 8 plants look?

    yeah, totally move the light closer, put it on a chain or something so that you can adjust it as the plant grows. and i agree, when you do transplant, put it in the dirt like up to the cotylendons (seedleaves whatever) and your plant should be just fine