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  1. Y

    1st grow ww, hog's breath, bubgum. ebb/flow grow tent

    Here is my timer schedule. please comment. Timer #1 (Light+light vent) 9pm-9am(on) Timer #2 (Feeding and co2) 7am-7:10am (ON) 3pm-3:10pm (ON) 11pm-11:10pm (ON) Rest of time (OFF) takes about 3 mins to flood the tray. and co2 pumping at .75 cfh Timer #3 (Tent Ventilation - intake/exhaust)...
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    1st grow ww, hog's breath, bubgum. ebb/flow grow tent

    here are some pix i took on my iphone before i got the plants. sorry for the bad quality. btw guys should i spread my feeding time evenly between 24 hrs? Same question apply to co2 release time as well. thanks alot You can skip the set up portion in Italic if you want to get directly to my...
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    1st grow ww, hog's breath, bubgum. ebb/flow grow tent

    thanks for stopping by, this is going to be my first grow. Help, advices and criticisms will be greatly appreciated. thanks Last Night's test run 11pm -Temp was around 75-78 after light was on for 3 hrs, and circulation in tent and hood running. Entire tent zipped up. Humity 55%ish Current...
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    FirsT GroW HELP, Getting clones tonight, need final touch up.

    guys. How do u guys feed? spread the time evenly between 24 hours? or between 12 hours? or combination of the 2? like 2 feed during day and 1 during night? please advice. i am trying to figure out the detail settings atm.
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    FirsT GroW HELP, Getting clones tonight, need final touch up.

    how often do u guys feed? i am planning on 3 x 15 mins pump time. should i spread it equally?
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    FirsT GroW HELP, Getting clones tonight, need final touch up.

    trust me, i am as newb as they come. never grew shit in my life. Freaking old hippie called me and said i can't get clones till friday morning. Fucking bullshit, but not much i can do about it. i guess more fine tunning while i wait. But the clones he said will be fully rooted and ready for...
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    FirsT GroW HELP, Getting clones tonight, need final touch up.

    the picture for the intake at bottom, i am not sure if i should run 2 or just one. Due to the small size of the tent i think one 6 in duct fan should be plenty. tell me what u guys think. i like in san diego btw, it's comfortablly on the dryer side, due to sea breeze and etc. i don't really know...
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    FirsT GroW HELP, Getting clones tonight, need final touch up.

    here u go. i am not sure how it work hopefully turns out ok edit, damn iphone cam, i should prolly clean the leanse too, quality is pretty dank.
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    FirsT GroW HELP, Getting clones tonight, need final touch up.

    yes sir, i am asking a friend to bring over his cam tonight, so i can get some pics. I am getting the clones hopefully in couple hrs if everything work out. in the main time, i can try to upload some with my iphone. gonna go try now. Any answer, comment, and criticism toward my questions will be...
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    FirsT GroW HELP, Getting clones tonight, need final touch up.

    i am going to mix up the neutrient in the reservoir. using canna aqua bloom 2 part. Depending on the ppm he is feeding the clones, i am going to mix anywhere from 500ppm-800ppm. i have the solutions mixed up with RO water in 1 gallon jars so i can just pour it out base on needs. i have a...
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    FirsT GroW HELP, Getting clones tonight, need final touch up.

    thanks all for stopping by first of all, any comment, help would be greatly appreciated. I have about 5 more hours for a final touch up. getting 10-12 12"-14" clones tonight (white widow + 1 or other strains). Getting them for $50 all together from old timer hippie that i befriended through...
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    Air Circulation / Co2 concerns in grow tent

    i am thinking about this 6 in duct fan to use with the light cooling, and intake of air into the tent. anyone used them before? how loud? and is 250 cfm an over kill? 6 In. 110VAC 250CFM In-Line Duct Fan - 3011 at The Home Depot thanks for reading
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    Air Circulation / Co2 concerns in grow tent

    Hey guys, long time reader, first time poster. Here is my situation. This morning i purchased a Dr120 Grow tent. Dark Room Grow Room 3.9' x 3.9' x 6.5' | Grow Rooms Shits to go in regarding the topic will be: -6 in can fan 300 ish cfm, - Carbon filter 18"ish diameter by 18" ish was attached...