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  1. madbiker69

    New clones, how long to wait till 1000w?

    I would give them at least a couple of weeks to develope3 a good root base, but every strain is different. I wouldn't rush it though. You switch over too soon and your plants could suffer from an underdeveloped root base which wouldn't deliver the nutrients your plant requires under the...
  2. madbiker69

    Update...& Huge Thank You!

    You defintely have to watchout for root rot if you have your pots in a container to catch the excess water.... But... Alot also depends on the size of pots you are using as well. If you are using smaller pots (8" for example with a soil mix that drains water efectively) that excess water will...
  3. madbiker69

    400w HPS question

    The two fans sounds good. The big thing though is to make sure you can vent the air out and have a fan hooked up to draw cool/outside air into the grow box. If you just have the two fans running with out this, your grow box will heat heat up pretty damn quick, as th efans will be just...
  4. madbiker69

    Update...& Huge Thank You!

    Well if they still have green and aren't hanging limp, why not leave them for now. Every bit of ligth energy your plant can get, the better. And your plant won't be using extra resources to heal the leaf. Once a leaf is damaged to the point where it can't absorb and process light it curls up and...
  5. madbiker69

    First time grow, What do you think?

    They look nice and green, but I think you definitely need to hit them with more light. By the looks of them I would say they had been growing in a window?
  6. madbiker69

    Almost Ready???

    Hard to tell from the pics you sent....You usally look at the trichomes under a magnify glass and yank when they are honey colored. Or when about 80% of the pistils are brown. You also should think about what type of stone you want. For a heady high you harvest earlier. For a body stone leave...
  7. madbiker69

    seedling - droopy leaves?

    Well it was probably a combination of the manure and a bit too much heat/light. Hope the little bugger pulls through.
  8. madbiker69

    10 days into flowering-Females right??

    If they all look like that,,,Yup...
  9. madbiker69

    seedling - droopy leaves?

    Hi there, First off, how old is the seedling? How tall is the stalk? What type of light do you have it under? Heat stress.....whats the temp in your grow set up? If the seedling is very young as in only two leaves, watch out how much nutrient you are using. Usually newbies need very little...
  10. madbiker69

    Greetings from Buenos Aires

    Just wanted to say a quick how do. I'm running a small cabinate grow with a 430 hps Scrog grow. Will be cutting back to 12/12 in a couple of weeks judging by how much room is left on my screen. This is my first attempt, as the previous grow was more like a sog. Will post pics later.:leaf: