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  1. S

    Is my seedling healthy?

    My first time I do plan on getting all those things in the long run though nice to see people from UK here to thanks man
  2. S

    Is my seedling healthy?

    Will do I was getting mixed opinions thank you
  3. S

    Is my seedling healthy?

  4. S

    How far should I have my light from my seedling

    Really appreciate the help gonna use these tips
  5. S

    How far should I have my light from my seedling

    It is a 17.5w par38 led and the scale says about 240-190 am I okay?
  6. S

    Is my set up good?

    Def a little far she was stretching a bit thanks for the tip man
  7. S

    Is my set up good?

    L.E.D I heard it's good for seedlings
  8. S

    Is my set up good?
