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  1. stewie

    Howard Dean is scary!!!!!

    Unclebuck - lets talk about my post #14 ! Lets talk about how you Liberal democrats are the ones responsible for slavery. I mean as a liberal you can't believe you had anything to do with that do you? What liberal would allow that. I bet I can even prove that liberal Democrats and the KKK go...
  2. stewie

    Howard Dean is scary!!!!!

    Once again PLEASE READ MY WORDS. You keep adding your OWN thoughts to MY WORDS.... Not only that, You have purposely left out the most important part. This is from the exact spot where you got and pasted from but left this out. why? It is how we get to social justice...
  3. stewie

    Howard Dean is scary!!!!!

    Social Justice is a Liberal Philosophy, Judeo-Christian is based off of god. So no they DO NOT go hand in hand. Please, research the two.
  4. stewie

    Howard Dean is scary!!!!!

    oh and Media matters....really....Please post something that can be fact checked. Yes I do believe what Mr. Beck would tell me over Media matters. He does ask people to look into it for themselves to find the truth. If it was a lie would not every news network be saying it is a lie ? No just...
  5. stewie

    Howard Dean is scary!!!!!

    I never said anything about a religion did I ? All I said was we were founded on a Judaeo-Christian values. I never said anything about one religion over the other. You can have belief in the values and not the overall principle of one religion over the other. Yes Social Justice and the...
  6. stewie

    Question For People!

    The reason I can is three fold. My first right comes from God. The second The Declaration of Independence. and third the United States Constitution. If you have not...
  7. stewie

    This is one of the best sites on United Stated History. What exactly happened and when...

    This is one of the best sites on United Stated History. What exactly happened and when. look under the Library
  8. stewie

    Question For People!

    I have a question for people. I ask this to spark a NICE, I REPEAT a NICE CONVERSATION. If you are just going to post BS to stir the pot then please I ask you to post in another thread. Thank you. This is NOT Political!!!!!! Here we go...... What gives you or what makes you think you have...
  9. stewie

    Howard Dean is scary!!!!!

    I'm not sure if you listened to what he said. How is him talking about pushing social justice " out of context" ? Seems to me you are just trying to down play social justice. play " your " video again. I will say that was a nice play but your video has the same words. so your point is????? As...
  10. stewie

    Howard Dean is scary!!!!! With stuff like this coming out it is amazing these guys are surprised people don't want the crap they are selling anymore. The liberals are finally getting found...
  11. stewie

    Global Warming... Oops, I'm Sorry It's Now Called CLIMATE CHANGE :lol:

    I can ! Like you they are LIBERAL LAIRS. Spinning their bullshit story. You LIBERALS are so lost is in sad. You should sue the schools and collage you went to! Many of your " sciences " have jump ship. That is recent fact. How do YOU explain the recent plant cooling tread? This is the same...
  12. stewie

    They have erased history

    Very, Very cool stuff. They are taking about how advanced the Indians were. They have also found artifacts in Ohio that had a form of Hebrew writing on them. It seems the Smithsonian only handles artifacts found from Christopher columbus on. Weird...
  13. stewie

    Check this out.

    Read History is does not lie!!! We have been lie to!!!! READ for your self, research for YOURSELF. If you would research it for your self the truth would set you free. We are filled with lies!!!!!
  14. stewie

    Check this out.

    have you all really given up? Google the names, read the facts! don't just take their word for it people. READ HISTORY! IT DOES NOT LIE. WE HAVE BEEN LIED TO!!!
  15. stewie

    Check this out.

    What do you think? History does not lie, Liberalism does!,2933,593727,00.html stewie
  16. stewie

    What are we going to do?

    It is worrisome that we have to fight our own government about people who have entered here illegally. They are not here to be saved from political persecution to which it is time for their return or a disaster. They ran,swam, climbed threw tunnels over fences and under fences to get here...
  17. stewie

    Verizon FIOS

    Be cool.....they are watching us! lol Stewie
  18. stewie

    Justified Taxation v. Unjustified Taxation?

    Well if we let our Military go do what they are trained to do, are men and women would already be home. But that is another topic. These large handout programs that suck our tax dollars need to be shutdown. FEMA - What a joke, the goverment has no better fucking idea how to fix shit at the...
  19. stewie

    What is Your Opinion of the Pledge of Allegiance?

    I'm sorry but I don't understand you people who use the " under god " excuse in regards to the pledge. The word "god" could be re-framed for your personal belief. No matter what it is. God could mean many things to you other then a higher being. I personally not not believe in the whole...
  20. stewie

    JURY NULLIFICATION -- What is it? Why the Supreme Court has hidden this Right

    Wow great read....I did some searching and reading on Wikipedia about Jury Nullification. People should be told they have this right. It would make changing out dated laws a little easier. Also sometimes a eye for a eye is justified. At the end of the read on Wikipedia it says basically the main...