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  1. overclockmyshyt

    When can a plant be topped?

    ya, i wouldn't have pruned it...... you have any pics??
  2. overclockmyshyt

    this is about 5 months later...???

    thanks for some more educating ther....and no there is not 2 plants in that pot...haha, i just plucked off some of the bottme leaves that were very small and dying...and left them in the pot....but i look into that soil...i dont think i will transplanting the plant anytime soon...just cause of...
  3. overclockmyshyt

    this is about 5 months later...???

    haha, thankx...just took some education...and wa la!
  4. overclockmyshyt

    this is about 5 months later...???

    ok i just got tonight 2 42WATT 2700lumans bulbs. after a week of having 2 24W bulbs this is my results.... Thanks again guys for all your help...i also got 4 new buddies on there way up :hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::blsmoke: -kj
  5. overclockmyshyt

    Walmart 24" "grow light" floros

    right on right on... :joint::spew:
  6. overclockmyshyt

    Walmart 24" "grow light" floros

    yes, its comes with standerd buld fiscture with reflector bowl and like 8ft cord with switch. Im sure you could prabably use a y socket but i wouldent recommend it. I also check out the 2700 big CFL's. they run $9 each, the biggest ive seen as wally world, Id say couple of those and couple...
  7. overclockmyshyt

    UPDATE: CFL 46 days Flower (bagseed)

    defently jelous
  8. overclockmyshyt

    Walmart 24" "grow light" floros

    $5.88 in the tool secton....wat im using now...
  9. overclockmyshyt

    Male/Female New Close Ups Help

    i like wat u got there
  10. overclockmyshyt

    this is about 5 months later...???

    thats exactly what i did actully....left a full thing of dirst around it...
  11. overclockmyshyt

    this is about 5 months later...???

    eh...didn't really look at the roots...
  12. overclockmyshyt

    this is about 5 months later...???

    sweet man! i will defently keep you guys posted... i checked out some sodium lights, will be looking into investing into those bulbs next week :)
  13. overclockmyshyt

    this is about 5 months later...???

    Well this is what i got now for a setup. Got a couple pots, roughly 1 gallon. CFL lights only directly over the plant. Humidifier blowing on them. temp around 70-80 degrees....Well see what happends.... What do u guys think of the setup now?
  14. overclockmyshyt

    this is about 5 months later...???

    you guys kick ass! i was so stumped.....even after reading, i thought i was doing things ok...but im defently printing this out and gonna check out what i can do for a tight budget..... Thanks again!!
  15. overclockmyshyt

    this is about 5 months later...???

    sup to this whole thing...but this is what i got after 5 months....i know.....not me out....i got 2 1600luman florescent and 1 100w 1600 reg. light bulb. temp around 80-100 degrees, in a reg. size aquarium. I also just got a cool, humidifire....just got a timer for...