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    Rush flowering???

    Hope somebody can help ' Started flowering my Blue Dream dec. 25 th . Just found out we have to move suddenly by feb. 25 bout 2 weeks too soon . any ideas to speed up process ?? was @12/12 now trying 10/14 will this save me 2 weeks?? Thanks any info will help.
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    Dry ice for co2???

    Show do you use the dry ice in your grow box ??And its in my room is that ok to breath in all night?? And what are the Benefits of Dry ice ? Heeeelp
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    Just a general thanks to all who helped

    So after 13 weeks of flowering I chopped it!!! My concern was that i cut too soon .. Never saw the amber triches! Nonetheless Thanks to everyones help with drying , Curing , and all other aspects ofthe growin process I ended up with sone KILLER SMOKE . 12 weeks would have been perfect though ...
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    Sativa /indica plant 13 weeks lost smell. Too late?

    I do have a scope!!! all clear triches
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    Sativa /indica plant 13 weeks lost smell. Too late?

    So my 13 week old plant lost all its smell , clipped a stem off last week as tester , after 4 days drying in box hanging down It got real airy.. But 95% of plant still under 300 HPS LIGHTS 12/12 not sure what to do ... No loaded with trikes and sacks really swollen . just ok smoke without the...
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    no density in nugs..

    Hey Hugo Thanks again... well im having trouble seeing the trichs all i see is mainly cloudy and in reality 1% amber ... Maybe,?? so @ this point im a bit lost cuz i dont even barely have any of that frost i see on most pics posted . started flower on 4-20-12 so im like 13 weeks into flowering...
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    HPS for the entire grow????

    SupLOquito , Hey Thats all I use sTraight HPS no problems till this day
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    Light and dark period.

    ha ha oh yeah wake up medicated half the time!LOL
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    How far away from harvest am I? Pics Inc

    Wow ur treated pretty Harshly... ouch!!
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    no density in nugs..

    thanks for The info.
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    Light and dark period.

    my grow is my bed room ... Ive heard its a bad idea and must say i I Agree, not the Ideal place , But thats all i got. Any ways said that to say this, Doring my dark period Unfortanetly I Get some shaded light from the window , so there are some light leaks However didnt seem to affect it @ all...
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    tangerine dream... Wierd color stems

    I HAVE THIS TANGERINE DREAM CLONE and early on I made the mistake of spraying the plant with concentrated insect killer!! ooops! However its reveged and looking good , Except for the red stripes on the main stem and all leaves have red branches too ... Is That a sign of stress or does this...
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    Newbie grow on the go

    Hey Dyna... Defenetily go get urself aN HPS light , bigger pots , Tap water without da boil... 24 hours outdoors un capped way to go ! Get you Some power flower and in 3 weeks youLL be a happy Camper . Are they Sativa or indica ?? Oh yeah and blow some air on them girls !
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    no density in nugs..

    well Psuedo How do you know when the perfect time is ?? When the stem its on snaps ??
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    no density in nugs..

    Thanks Hugo!Well its a sativa Based Hybrid?? plant and I have it under 300 watts HPS lighting... dont really know what it is . Got turned on to a seed, of some really good smoke!
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    no density in nugs..

    So , im 12 weeks in to flowering with still only cloudy triches but i took a sample cutting dried it by hanging in a cardboard box and it lost all smell and was really light in weight ... any suggestions before i cut the rest of my plant?? am i maybe a bit early???
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    What is Herbies ??

    DAMN!! Thats depressing ... yeah i see lots of swollen parts in my nugs ... it was so nice just 2 weeks ago. Ive been getting a lil, light in my room maybe that caused it?? should i harvest now to preventmore damage??Ive got mainly cloudy triches but im exactly @10 weeks now ... Thanks for all info
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    Plant Turning MalE @ 10 weeks???

    damn Dee Tee now im depressed all thathard work for seeds in the end ... Was it something i did ?? light issue maybe?? it was hard to haVE A PITCH BLACK ROOM...
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    What is Herbies ??

    oH , ok so so if my plant is 10 weeks old and now im finding seeds , so thats hermies?? is it still decent smoke??
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    What is Herbies ??

    Keep seeing posts about herbies . What is that exactly?? or is it Hermies ??