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  1. B

    A little help and advice please

    They are in cubes which had a smallamount of like soil underneath. Which I have put into perlite/vermiculite mix. So how often should I do the watering. It only waters the small area around the base ofthe plant. Is this okay. D
  2. B

    A little help and advice please

    Well have just been delivered 2 new little babies. Approx 15cm high. I have them under a 600w light....How close should Ihave the light. A fair wack of heat comes off and dont want to burn them. Watering::: I have a circular bit of garden tubing around the base which has 3 outlets watering...
  3. B

    Hi All from Australia

    Hi All. S.A. here. Very informative site. Cheers
  4. B

    Let's talk about LED's!

    Hi All Been watching this thread I have come across this product 300W LED grow light Manufacturer exporting direct from China very expensive but also have 90w option. Anyones thoughts Cheers
  5. B

    Hi All from Australia

    Hello to all, great site have read and learnt so much. Soon to do first trial. Anyone else here in OZ, drop a line and say hi. Look forward to learnin lots more. D.