A little help and advice please


Active Member
Well have just been delivered 2 new little babies. Approx 15cm high.

I have them under a 600w light....How close should Ihave the light. A fair wack of heat comes off and dont want to burn them.

Watering::: I have a circular bit of garden tubing around the base which has 3 outlets watering around the base of the plant. Its on15 minutes per hour....Is this enough or 2 much.

Temp: What should be the temp in the roombe kept too???

will think of some more questions, but that will do for now.



Well-Known Member
dont over water you want the plant to get air between waterings . keep the light about 18-24in away from the top of the plant depending on how warm it feels at the top of the plant. you want to hit 70s in the day time 60s at night a constant temp is best though about 70 - 80. are they in soil or cubes ?


Active Member
They are in cubes which had a smallamount of like soil underneath. Which I have put into perlite/vermiculite mix. So how often should I do the watering. It only waters the small area around the base ofthe plant. Is this okay.