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  1. N

    Help!!!! Plants dying instantly?

    all meters recalibrated after ever res change...ppm and ph. yes im using metric system the bloom nutes call for 4ml per liter...i am running 135 liters in my ucdwc..i used 2ml per for the additives i also ran them at half...they call for 2 ml per liter..i used 1 ml per liter
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    Help!!!! Plants dying instantly?

    DSCN0021 by mrnastytime, on Flickr seems to be doing a little better since i got back from running some errands and making my original post...but im willing to bet it was water temp being to low
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    Help!!!! Plants dying instantly?

    DSCN0020 by mrnastytime, on Flickr the most affected one is the one all the way far right
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    Help!!!! Plants dying instantly?

    maybe thats it! i just flushed before this whole thing and the water was around 59f from its usual 66
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    Help!!!! Plants dying instantly?

    just flipped my plants over to 12x12 today and premixed my bloom nutes at 1/2 strenth ppm is around 980 a few are completely wilted within a few hours?!! im currently using sensi bloom a and b...also mixed in (at half strenth) rhino skin bud factor x sensizyme voodoo juice bud candy and bud...
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    New Grow Room.

    I am now 4 days away from flipping my girls..have a few i wish filled out more..but also have a few that are looking like monsters..will post pics soon!
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    GREENHOUSE CHEESE anybody else have any experience?

    this is my second cheese grow..was wondering if anybody else has grown this strain and what to expect
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    Help!! Flood!

    so i came back from running some errands earlier and noticed my float valve on my under current system seized up for some reason and flooded my whole 8 site grow to the point that the water was leaking on to the floor!..(i caught it before it did serious damage to the room) i worried about my...
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    Anyone using the Advanced Nutrients PH controled stuff???

    <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> now tell me that this stuff is a joke..i say if you can afford it why not? my sensi a+b grow and bloom on the way!
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    New Grow Room.

    4 cheeses popped up 2 rhinos up! the rhinos seem a bit slower than the cheese
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    New Grow Room.

    i have some store brand nutes i bought a few months back,havent used them yet...really thinking about ordering some advanced nutrients sensi grow and bloom its the ph perfect formula
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    New Grow Room.

    @ far along are your girls if you dont mind my asking?...yes i plan to veg in the uc as well by flipping out the bulbs.not the fastest way but works for me for now until i build another uc.if you dont mind my asking what type of nutes are you feeding them and how much?
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    New Grow Room.

    @ under current how much did your homemade dwc run you?..i may start a build on another one
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    New Grow Room.

    undercurrent those are looking niiiice!....started the germ processs minutes ago 5 cheese 5 white rhinos!...not really up to date on scrog...what exactly does that stand for...i know the basics of it..someone care to explain???
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    New Grow Room.

    im hoping for at least 2 oz per plant so maybe a pound..but hopefully i can push it to 4oz per plant
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    New Grow Room.

    the filter is a can 33 and i have used it for one cycle..the fan is a 6inch going to see if it does the trick for now so i dont have to completely re-buy everything, recycle some stuff ya know?if it doesnt work out then back shopping i go....
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    New Grow Room.

    basiclly it takes fresh air from the outside via some ducting and takes stale aire form the inside and exhausts the stale and intakes the supposed to be ducted throughout the whole house but i just cut into it..oh and everything is hepa filtered in there
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    New Grow Room.

    been a while since iv posted almost there now..finally got my seeds in from greenhouse..the original plan was to go with th bcbuddepot's godbud..but after doing some reading and a little more research i decided not to choose that strain..heard alot of bad things ie. the genetics are terrible and...
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    My new room (a blank slate)

    get yourself some nice BIG hoods..i made the mistake of getting smaller ones to start my first grow and quickly realized the advantages of a bigger light footprint..bigger footprint equals less lights especially if you plan on running 1000's
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    New Grow Room.

    DSCN1967 by mrnastytime, on Flickr air exchanger...notice the ducting going into 2 holes?..yes i messed up the first cut only to hit a horizontal stud with some nasty nails in it,too anxious..this guy is working security