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  1. lovetogroww

    Some of my freshly cut buds......

    Thanks alot I worked hard on them
  2. lovetogroww

    Some of my freshly cut buds......

    I love good closet weed!!
  3. lovetogroww

    Hi I'm lovetogorww

    Thanks for the welcome!!! and its his bud porn.
  4. lovetogroww

    Hi I'm lovetogorww

    My flower room has plants in all stages of flower. I keep mother plants and clone them. I use perfect mix soil with a little perlite.(this stuff is pretty cheap) I use the advanced nutes for the nutes. I have lots and lots of pics of my stuff I will post more as time goes by.
  5. lovetogroww

    Purple^stars freash out the pack

    I just posted a couple threads with pics of my stuff check them out!
  6. lovetogroww

    Hi I'm lovetogorww

    If we all stick together and stand up for what we belive in there will be change. I though this was the land of the free!!
  7. lovetogroww

    Some of my freshly cut buds......

    Yum Yum...soil grown and flushed the way they should be! These are sure to be a treat.
  8. lovetogroww

    Purple^stars freash out the pack

    Hi purple I'm new here also. Welcome, it does seem like a cool place
  9. lovetogroww

    Crazy Marijuana Bust (No, not the underground one)

    This is crazy. What a nice setup. The wires looked neat and well placed to me. This was a well though out set up. I would think word of mouth got them busted!
  10. lovetogroww

    Hi I'm lovetogorww

    I am from the Usa. I dont live in a medical state maybe someday my state will catch up!
  11. lovetogroww

    Hi I'm lovetogorww

    Thanks for the welcome. My first reply in my first thread.
  12. lovetogroww

    Hi I'm lovetogorww

    I'm new to the site. My name is lovertogrow. I am an indoor setup with a 1000watt hps(sun system). I grow in soil and have been growing for around a year. I have a seperate veg room and keep a cycle to harvest every two weeks. I look foward to learning here.